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Aerostar Research

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Everything posted by Aerostar Research

  1. No biggie. I can just hand-fly them but it's no fun. In addition to the weird heading holds, why does it not account for stalls?? Your autopilot is slightly dangerous in that regard
  2. I just thought of something. How does it even read flight plans and clear-as-filed??? I have the mod installed in game, but I can't seem to open the ATC window.
  3. My gallery expanded tremendously since my *necropost,* so I'm just linking my whole thread, which is a lot more detailed and also has more stuff for you to fly and crash. have fun!
  4. This puts all the project materials in one place. Same reason all my aircraft are in one thread. Eventually each Drive folder will have manuals too. Maybe I'll even add CKAN configurations.
  5. The Aerostar E-Series: Project Boomerang Not to be confused with Mercedes-Benz E-Class. These planes are built with a mindset straight out of 1973. The E-1 is a fancy electric UAV, and the E-3 is a ground-effect vehicle with eight efficient props. folder link
  6. Better solution: fully functional microplane instead of little weak capitalist pig escape pod. XD fullcommunism
  7. In a little over an hour over yesterday and today, I brought back the Canary. Some background: Back in 1.0.5, I built a stock plane in Mk3, with a T-tail, tweaked wing, canards, four Goliath engines mounted Il-62 style, and 'middle' tailplanes on the engine nacelles. I called it Canary II. (The original had two engines and no midplanes) It had a huge fuel tank of ~11K units in the back behind the 48 seats. It handled so well it could do half-cubans at 5km. Then in 1.1.X, I made a Canary with the CMF56 engines, more like a 737 or Embraer. It had just 9000 FOB, and handled in a docile manner. I scrapped it. The new one is genuinely overpowered. It can keep 66 m/s on a 60+° climb. The wing is all the way in the back...idk why. It has two CMF's scaled to 1.050m, canards like the original, and double-slotted flaps that don't do what they're supposed to just yet. Split winglet with speedbrake. Neat pitch and roll, docile yaw handling. Project folder MODZ! Airplane plus, B9 for the engines. I think something might be from Lack's SXT idk NOTE: Aerostar standard practice on airbreathers is to set stage to engine starters and RCS to reverser. Speedbrake on AG3, APU that doesn't generate power on AG4. Flaps are 1&2, push 1 to set flaps 1, then push 1 again and then push 2 for flaps full.
  8. Thanks! Are they any good to fly? I got discouraged of the forums after nobody noticed me. But now I'm back. I need to play more KSP, but no time A thought: Just noticed something. KSP started calling the Kossak locked-invalid... idk what it was, I didn't uninstall any mods. But it got me thinking. It's a 2.5m fuselage, but set up as a long-range trijet. It is a clone of the MD11 (except for the cockpit, I think the M-85 Kossak from LLL is supposed to be for 777), but is sized like a 727, and sure handles like the MD! (pitch-unstable) I built a mk3 plane once, back in 1.1, called the Canary. It basically was a 737 clone and flew on two Tweakscaled B9 CMF-56es. I should bring it back..maybe? poll is posted. edit: nvm can't make a poll
  9. I was going to upload screenshots but I have actual zero time this week. Aerostar Z-1 suborbital VTOL project
  10. [read post in car dealer ad voice] ANOTHA PLANE! twitchy like the Bumblebee, dynamic like the Albatross, TEN ENGINES OF DOOM! Four of which are Vectors in VTOL CONFIGURATION!!!!!1!1!! Enter the Aerostar Zeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-Oneee!!!!!! screenies and craft available at www.aerostarjets.da.best.ksp (jk here is the link) Not recommended for children under 3 years old, awesomeness leaves permanent impressions in brain. Modlist: OPT, B9, I think that's it IMPORTANT: I'm actually stupid and I didn't remember for a whole month to put up the Z-1 screenshots. I'll put them up eventually
  11. The Bumblebee Shuttle! 12.7 metric tonnes, cruise 150 at 5000, 1362.9 units of liquid fuel for two APR-400 turboprops (Airplane Plus). Good balance, responsive controls. Range estimated at ~800km. Oh, and install Feline Utility Rover. The ladder is perfectly sized and I'm not replacing it. Also new edit just now, stats updated Screenshots <<< and craft NOTE: Aerostar standard practice on airbreathers is to set stage to engine starters and RCS to reverser. This plane also has speedbrakes on AG1
  12. If @Arendey comes back and fixes it, I'd love to use this in 1.2.2!
  13. I overthought this so much. I'm a fan of civilian airplanes tbh, my design method isn't any good. But yeah, I taught you aero nerd stuff so I've got that going
  14. I meant whether the COM was shifted up or down relative to COT. About the drag: try delta-wing extensions ( higher-sweep delta wing protruding from the front of the main delta, sort of like a chine for the front fuselage. I see you have some already, but try making them about 20% larger. This should bring COM and COL closer. You shouldn't have them more than { 25% body length } apart. It looks like the COT is in line, so that's not it. For now, just fly with trim and fix the leading-edge extension. I don't know what else to tell you unless I download it.
  15. riiight, imma download the mod. didn't think to do that.. I'm facilitating the integration to Kramax Continued by making a set of waypoints and approaches that can be strung into Kramax flight plans with a neat Python script. Using these lat/lon coordinates I'm making VORs for each site. I am going down the list, I have everything down to Kerbodyne. edit: project thread here
  16. COM behind the ram intakes, between the first precoolers? It could also be the pitch-power coupling. If it's top-heavy, the COM acts as a fulcrum, and the COT throws the nose upwards. This is a common airliner thing, left in the design on purpose. What you do is just trim down a heck ton for the denser atmosphere at takeoff roll, and slowly remove the trim as you go up. Also try tweaking rudder authority or mapping the rover steering to different keys if they're not already. It doesn't cut out tiller (nosewheel) steering at 60 like real airplanes. Even worse if it's a taildragger (lol you didn't build a taildragger SSTO did you? cwl)
  17. thankyouthankyouthankyou!!!!!!!!!! I saw this mod a while back but it wasn't even for .90 ;( but now it's back~!!!!1!!!~~1!1! I LOVE YOU LINUXGURUGAMER
  18. Can I have latitude and longitude for each of those sites? (Well, except for KSC and the Island) I'm making a nav database.
  19. I'm making a Python thing that lets you select waypoints and string them into a flight plan. Doesn't choose WP's for you just yet, given start and end location, but it will have a big waypoint database and it will format it for insertion into FlightPlans.cfg Background: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/150846-121-kramax-autopilot-continued-course-guidance-and-auto-land-for-spaceplanes/ Kramax Autopilot Continued, second revival of Pilot Assistant The waypoint definitions in DefaultFlightPlans.cfg and FlightPlans.cfg look a little like this: Submit your own ideas for where to place waypoints. Use the format. Idea: name them as "[cool site] VOR" if they're specific to a KerbinSide base or a Kerbal Konstructs Base you would build. For general airway waypoints, just give them five-letter identifiers. link to project folder NOW HAS AN ALPHA VERSION! Limited nav DB, run it in a Python3 interpreter, e.g. this one EDIT: Kramax is evil in 1.2.2 and nobody knows why. @linuxgurugamer the issue seems to be with heading holds and with pitch/speed balance. It can't set up the plane to stay above stall speed. Pls fix thx!
  20. This vehicle is being phased out in favour of the Canary. See below. Aerostar Kossak Albatross Sooooooo... I made this 47-part, three-engined plane weighing 132 tons at full fuel load of 19407.1. It has three engines, clipped to line up the centers of thrust and mass. Really stable, peppy, but no pitch-power coupling The plane stalls real slow, so don't worry. Comes with full lighting suite, nacelle outrigger wheels, comms antenna, forward, reverse and underside cameras (JSI), MFD's (also JSI), two air ramps and staging/airlock things in the ramp bays. abort speed = rotate speed, 95 m/s stalls at 50 m/s Initial Turn: 1.9G, 80m radius 34.1 metre long, 33.5 metre wingspan, 72 crew (and 2 staging seats in rampbays) MODS!!!!1!!!!1 Airplane Plus, LLL SXT, the Nav Light mod, I think that's it (wait, feline util rover for the staging seats) Hullcam VDS Medical Notice: Epilepsy, Fuel Inhalation, and Irradiation may be caused by industry-standard "KSP clipping" construction method. NOTE: Aerostar standard practice on airbreathers is to set stage to engine starters and RCS to reverser. Screenshots and .craft download
  21. I would like to actually point toward the Kramax Autopilot Continued, which is the second revival of Pilot Assistant, for a possible integration. Just be advised that you'd have to make flight plans for it, and there's no nav database. You plot the waypoints independently in every flight plan. But yeah, integrate it! First post on the forum!
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