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Everything posted by sirguinea

  1. Wow! That rocks! Good job man, good job indeed.
  2. I just found this thread, great job Nova! I can\'t wait to play around with these parts.
  3. samstarman5...I think I love you. So I\'ve been way to busy playing around in .14 to focus on the Enterprise. I have made progress though, the new design with saucer propulsion (impulse power) can get me a fair distance over the planets surface but I am constantly fighting her on the joystick and once those nacels run out of juice all balance is shot to hell and it\'s over.
  4. 'Easy as cake, yes?' I accept this...
  5. Discovery 1 is next! struts are needed, this baby just begs to come apart on the way up.
  6. Ah yes, and that is exactly the approach I am trying with the newest model. 8)
  7. I can\'t wait until ship building in orbit is a possibility but I would encounter the same problem because as you said, the points at which I can put rockets are not balanced. I\'m considering a design with rockets placed in the saucer section to push from what is effectively the heaviest part of the ship. Personally I just love the challenge to see if I can get such and awkward (but beautiful) shape into orbit. That was amazing! I wish I could create mods like this. =P
  8. Hey everyone! I am new to the forums but have been playing Kerbal since last August. I have been working at this ship for a while and it has been made possible with the C7 flight pack and nova punch. I can get this sexy lady into space using two gigantic rockets on either side but as you might guess she has absolutely no maneuverability once up there and I can\'t get her into orbit. I\'m curious if any of you have tried this or what your suggestions might be. Anyways, this is my first post and I wanted to share! update: maybe if I put the craft file up here it will get more attention. It\'s super neat and fun to fly! She can make orbit or send her out of the solar system, plenty of fuel for any trip. I am now seeing what it can take into orbit. It is still amazingly stable with objects attached under the saucer section. As a bonus I made the saucer detachable and it can fly on its own engines! Note: flying out of the first stage boosters is just a little tricky, cut throttle on boosters before you run out of juice and then ease her on out of there. You will need: C7 flight pack and experimental NovaPunch Remix
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