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Everything posted by Kerbalwerks

  1. Water Test - was able to get this into the water with much "to-do" although pretty much unusable for it's intent, aircraft all but stop in midair during final approach or flybys, think I will stop here, up to about 1800 parts with the carriage so minus a hundred or so after detaching once in the water. Definitely a challenge getting it on the runway , moving it and then into the water all with out exploding , which it did many times, it did not like going into the sea straight in, the bow would start floating with the stern still dropping causing it to buckle and explode, it tolerate a sideways approach a bit better, this is stock with no mods used.
  2. Ahh .... Thank you good to know, maybe a good place to start next time, just figured it was a setting or something I was doing with my install.
  3. Good thoughts HvP but no kind of a vanilla guy. Should of posted below in first post: Installed version 1.91.2766 1.9.1 Making History 1.4.1 Breaking Ground No Mods and using Launcher to start, no steam. Wiped my install clean with eraser, re-installed and it is doing the same thing, strangest thing not devastating just annoying I will keep my ears open for anyone else having same issue and related. Cheers !
  4. Thanks for checking, That is how it use to work for me before 1.9, glad to know it is my install or configuration now I can try a re- install or what not to fix , TBH first glitch I have had that pertains to my system or installation. Working on a large air craft carrier using fuel tanks as structural units so you can see the pain the above issue would add to building something large.
  5. Yes I mean when building in the SPH or VAB, it use to follow the setting of the one it was copied from even today the autostrut setting will be retained but the anount of fuel is not, thought there might be a setting I am missing to change this. Thanks
  6. Title says it all, use to be when you copied a fuel tank the fuel amount was the amount that was in the origin tank, seem now if origin tank is empty the fuel will be full when copied. Far as I remember the copied tank should be equal to the tank it was copied from, did I miss the memo or is this a glitch/ Thanks
  7. I am not sure why, guess I want to test the limits of my new rig and I am enjoying building it.
  8. More this morn below, might be done by tonight, <shrug> my day off who knows Done - ended with around 700 ish parts F.O.T.H.
  9. This really cool, I have lifters like this for the atmosphere to launch things into space but never thought of an SSTO lifter type craft, ..well I guess a shuttle/rocket configuration is kinda of close but this great, think you just need some more time into it and you will figure if out, might download tonight and test it out if I remember but yes you should keep at it, just a hunch but guessing the large wing span is causing some issues on re-entry.
  10. Eww very shiny , I would pull up to that and go inside to have a drink, great work , finish it! I would definitely fly in this, I like the use of the sticky pads makes me think it would set down nice and quiet like, although I am sure the blades would be making a racket.
  11. Thank you and it is stock, I also have the DLCs but do not believe any of those parts were used for this build. ...............< correction it has a couple>
  12. Been playing around with hauling rocket stages to locations and getting them to couple up on a gantry stand, this is an upper section the aircraft is about to pick up and carry off, Jeb got out to pose.
  13. Great work! ...........also looks like a lot of Kraken pack into a small area, I can feel your frustrations.
  14. Needed to put the MegaCarriers engines to use, not real controllable yet, likes to slew around.
  15. A lot more I would like to do but part count is getting high, around 830 parts now, PC starting to struggle.
  16. The new robotics can be good, but playing around with kraken tech is a real joy and some of the best fun I fimd in KSP.
  17. Definitively Not Stratzenblitz's Helicarrier but wanted to make an atmospheric carrier nevertheless, been playing around with the turbo prop engines a lot lately and can say I am enjoying this build.
  18. Have not created one of these yet, I figured I should throw my variant into the ring, do love the real aircraft, so much awesome in it.
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