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Posts posted by agrasyuk

  1. Hi, fellas,

    I'm on my very first career playthrough. so far its been a blast juggling contracted satellites, tourists, Labs and science between kerbin, mun and minmus. I don't think I ever enjoyed the sanbox game as much. at the moment the situation with funds and rep is great, as far as science pretty much all nodes of community tree unlocked (that pertain to my mods installed). at this point any additional planetary bases or stations that might came up as contract i can complete with proven SSTO craft that can later land at KSC for a full refund. i have a 8-pack of relay/survey sattelites heading towards Duna (~180 days ETA), they should be there few month ahead of crewed station exploration vessel (with fuel production). another 8-pack heading towards Jool with ETA of about a year, and i just launched a probe towards Eeloo a bit ahead of trandfer window. I accepted a contract to bring class D asteroid to Ike orbit so i have a pair of IR observatories en route to survey for candidates to capture.

    the question is - do you at this point stop taking Kerbin system contractrs? time accelerating  for more then a few days just doesn't seem right, i always have this feeling "i can be doing something else..." and the contracts offered are still  "test juno engine in flight over kerbin"...

  2. Relatively to other creations here my Minmus station is simple. Played in career so every thing here grew as part of some sort of contract.

    started off with Science-1 module (solar truss is not visible, sorry). as base expansions contracts came in i did not want to repeat the disaster that my Mun orbital station turned out and started it "right" - brought in center hub and the berthing sides. later it grew with Habitat module, KAS parts container, another science lab (not used , but contract for some reason wanted another one), Refinery + Ore storage.

    station houses science lander with full array of instruments, ore lifter (as shown the second iteration) and Tug that is used to lower base modules to the surface and move the orange fuel containers around (as shown- visiting with container in tow).  pictured with My OPT "Tavor" SSTO craft stopping by for refuel before embarking to capture and bring back stranded kerbal with his craft from polar orbit of minmus back to kerbin.



  3. 18 hours ago, MajorMushroom said:

    Basically my damn science jr keeps blowing up. My speed is about 2000-3000m/s, which is crazy fast. Clearly my heat shields can't cope. I guess I'll have to aerobrake. So, do I literally just make a small orbit, and try and dip myself in? At what altitude? Thank you.

    with speed of 3000 it sounds like you getting back from one of the moons. it was already noted that you can send another craft to recover data (and with some pain the module).

    but if you have the time I'm thinking it is possible to slow your craft down enough in upper layers of atmo before going all in. it will take more then few orbits though . I'm currently working to stabilize oddly shaped craft coming from minmus to LKO. craft is not rated for reentry, no heat shield on it at all and not enough fuel to circularize without aerobrake . in my case at Pe of 54Km things are heating violently, but not blowing up, I do rotate the craft to expose different areas. now after revolution 3 AP dropped way past mun (I'm in the realm of ~3 hour orbits), I anticipate many more but I have the time. 

    Kerbal alarm clock helps tremendously to plan activity around the aerobraking sessions.

  4. 9 hours ago, bewing said:

    OK, issue confirmed. Full formal bug report created and filed. It's in the hands of the devs now, and it will probably get fixed pretty soon.



    11 hours ago, HebaruSan said:


    sorry of topic but this is some awesome stuff right there.

    4 YO elusive bug reproduced and documented. as someone who does software QA for a living this story almost brings tears to my eyes. you guys made my day today. :) 

    Prestige: :rep::rep::rep:

  5. I had several instances of bases go shaky shakes and tear themselves apart. It woldnt happen until third or forth time switching to them from map/tracking statuon.until it happened on almost stock station I mistakenly attributed it to infernal robotic mod - my 6x gigantor solar panel array is mounted on rotating telescoping boom to lift it above the structure and rotate for E-W orientation.  Upon switch on aND physics set in the panels started shaking then flapping then the entire base jumps above and pieces spread everywhere. 

     the Solution or rather workaround I found is as folows: switch to base and be ready on that "." Key. If things start twiching note which ones, set time compression x5 quickly before any damage.  Rigt click on affected part/s (pin menu as needed), resume time to normal and quickly change auto strutting mode before physics fully kick in. In my case it required several slow fast transitions to get all 6 panels. Ot didn't matter which autostrut was set in factory, before launching second base I updated to autostrut that fixed the issue and still eventually got shakes when on surface. 

  6. Shadow dream suggested more thrust to brute force and use the cargo-ramp that trades fuel capacity for mk2 hardpoint (yep there is such thing) and stick pair of engines. this will create config such as below. the downside would be ISP, 340 for the ARI vs 380 for the B9 Saber + there is that dead weight of nebulas, my attempt with sabers was mainly to try  and avoid that. but the proposed setup looks well balanced, pretty much x2 scale of my J setup. i guess i'll try it too and see how it reenters. thanks!



    TJ04S 04



    as presented before. nothing scaled as i don't like the scaling mods. pointy things are drop tanks made of B9 parts


    TJ04S 01



  7. OPT is to draggy? well, I guess I can see that somewhat. Below are 3 of my Career OPT machines. Nothing to special performance wise - all 3 are SSTO's but will not go to far further without refueling, depending on ascending profile leftower DV is at 600-800m/s. 

    Retriever rev.4(J - fuselage)  deltawing
    Purpouse - as the name suggests retrieving stuff from orbit. o
    Crew: Pilot and Engineer (the latter can attach KAS ports to whatever is contracted to be retrieved and winch it into cargohold)  
    Propulsion: 4 X B9 Saber S (small) engines. looks awesome
    with about 500Dv left after reaching to 80x80Km orbit. enough to rendezvous with whatever needs to go back to KSP . after refuel was also used during "Bring Ore from Minmus to Kerbin orbit" contract (Ore was lifted from surface by dedicated lifter craft)


    its still early morning. Roomy


    Running UP!

    Tanks Away , I did drop them that early for the picture however. usually they are jetted at 15K during hard acceleration.



    Tavor SP5 (J - fuselage) V tail.
    Purpose - Fulfill "New Orbital Station " contracts. I had no need in yet another station around moon, landing the plane after bagging the ontract recovered all the funds. cargohold can be reconfigured before flight to fulfill contract requirement. 
    Crew: seating for 13. additional accommodation in cargohold as needed (as flown contains 4 X mk1 passenger modules)
    Propulsion: atmospheric -  OPT "J92 Nebula scramjet", vacum ARI-75b. I know ARI works (and works well) in atmo as well, but i'm using it purely for vacuum because frankly, it is best-looking engine to fit that hull and 340isp is not balance breaking. 


    ready for  takeoff




    Nebula is spooling up


    "Fireball from below"


    Solar panels deployed


    things begin to glow -  Reentry with some numbers . somehow i managed to build a plane that is very stable on that part of flight as well. notice almost no input from the  gyro Wheels is required


    and managed to screenshot this as i try to pitch up few degrees to increase drag :rolleye:


    Transitioning to horisontal flight



    still a bit to go till KSC


    i don't have time, but i have bunch of LF left - fire that nebula!


    things move fast while you at mach 5.


    Preparing to butter that bread





    Tubas Jumbo (K- fuselage) 
    Purpose - Fulfill "New Surface outpost on minmus" contracts. same story here, had no need for yet another base especially with accomodations for 20, so I built it in form of plane to bring it all home for refund. 2 aerospikes on the belly (which doesn't help drag at all)
    Propulsion: 2 x B9 Saber M (medium) main engines, 2 aerospikes on the belly for landing (which doesn't help drag at all) on minmus. with TWR of 3 on mun probably could get there too.
    Crew -  seating for 10. outfitted with aditional crew compartment in cargohold to fulfill capacity of 20 + other outpost requirements (ISRU and cupola). during the mission it delivered construction rover (feline) and ISRU module to existing outpost, so the trip was not entirely useless
    also perfectly able to reenter, but i had no patience to screenshot the entire flight this time :) 
    amount if fuel used up flying that thing is just crazy



    Getting up

    top down






    Flying with those B9 Sabers is quite touchy. my requirement for crafts in career  is easy handling and those 2 saber planes are very short of blowing that. at around 5000m attitude cannot be more then 4 or so degrees nose up, otherwise speed and thrust stop building up and it just can't greak Mach1 . which makes for longer ascend phase where I'm sitting and constantly adjusting AoA monitoring that engine thrust keeps increasing. luckily its just few minutes after which things get fast really fast.


  8. I'm running with "Money -> Science" Strategy at 50%. cash flow is sufficient, I feel even at reduced rate almost every launch brings income if one bundles several contracts at once: I like the "Tourist Bus" ones especially or launching single satellite and then repositioning to complete several contracts. will cancel if I ever unlock the entire community tree.

    I was doing "Rep-> Science" but stopped since at 50% commit reputation stayed completely stagnant (was expecting slower but still gain).

    overall as was said above, I feel that indeed I get close to nothing.

  9. On ‎9‎/‎7‎/‎2017 at 1:37 AM, AeroGav said:


      Reveal hidden contents








    those are 4 full ore tanks, sheesh, That's some awesome flying Aerogav. good comment on controlling via trim (alt W-S) , I need to use it more. You obviously have a working design but those patchwork wings! also, do I see no incidence on your wings at all? all the flames though and heating makes me very nervous watching this :) . what is your idea of "maximum mach at given altitude" table?

    OP, some good advice above, good luck on your build. Space-planes are so more exciting then rockets. Can't post my design at the moment (and it doesn't really beat AGav's efficiency monster, with 600Dv will not go anywhere before refuel at the depot) , but for some extra fuel saving perhaps consider using staged drop tanks. it's done IRL, since only tanks are dropped I think it still can be considered SSTO. if you keep tanks modest (for your plane perhaps  pair of size 0) you should not have problem lifting them to at least 5000m , basically its like you get to start already in air. 

    All that said, what will be more so exciting then the launch is the reentry :) keep us posted on how that is going .


  10. 10 hours ago, bewing said:

    Welcome to the forums.

    The retrograde telltale is vastly vastly important in target mode. It is the vector difference in velocities between you and the target. Go into retrograde mode and burn until your velocity is exactly 0. Now you are at rest vs. your target.

    Now point directly at your target, and do a little burn. Get 99% of the way there, turn retrograde again, and burn until your velocity is 0. When you are within 30 meters, the coriolis forces are small enough that you can gently burn toward your target and you will hit it, rather than doing the nasty dos-y-dos dance around it.


    Partially agree - excellent answer as far as retro marker but instead of turning retrograde again at "99% there" I suggest to fine-tune the course  with RCS (IJKL) so the green pro-grade mark and Pink direction mark coincide one in another, slowing down with "N" as needed in case approach from 200m  was impatiently fast. If docking ports were selected as target and as control point (this one is obvious I think) this means it will be a "kiss" between ports every time :) .

    ADD: "kiss" maybe at angle of course if one doesn't position his craft aligned with target docking port for the final approach at 200m. which brings me to related question (hope OP doesn't mind a piggy back): what Indicators on stock Navball can one use to make sure docking ports are on exactly parallel planes ? I'm aware of align indicator Mod, but somehow to lazy to install.




  11. preparing for Duna mission right now with 65Days before the transfer window as I collected a nice string of Contracts. as much as I hate locked technology I'm really enjoying the Career aspect of the game in that it tells you what needs to happen and you need to figure out how to do it with least expenditure. Contracts stipulate visit and return from Duna, station with laboratory in orbit, outpost with lab and Personnel on surface of Ike with various equipment and data return. ISRU module launched as part of Kerbin orbital station Contract will join the trip and used with Ore lifter craft will provide ample fuel for all maneuver and return needs. scientists, pilot and engineer will stay behind, while main crew heads home ("just-in-case" emergency return vehicle will stay with station). crew will operate biome science lander-hopper craft to gather science (hopefully contracts come up for that too). I'm not yet sure if both laboratories will be manned and operating as hiring crew became very expensive, hope to rescue some more scientists from orbit before departure.

    First unmanned craft loaded with 8 satellites was launched 5 days ago: 2 scanners with all the radar , ore and biome stuff, 6 RA-15 relay Sats . since its left early took about 500dv more then ideal. fulfills 0 contracts but by the time the main expedition gets there both Duna and ike will be scanned and relay network established. 

    so to answer your question - send them as Contract stipulates. or here is an idea for you if you don' play Career.

  12. its personal. "cheating" is when you feel like you "cheating", meaning you let MJ or whatever mod do what you feel like you should be doing yourself. and since its single player you only "cheating" yourself out of fun. I don't do infini fuel, warp drives or Hyper edit, I like to ascend, setup rendezvous/maneuver nodes and dock myself since those are activities I enjoy to perform. executing nodes however I relegate to MJ as I like how it is warp to and execute in one button press. takes the mundaneness out of it for me + real spaceship has to have capacity to execute preprogrammed maneuvers so I don't feel like cheating at all.


  13. after years of exclusive sandboxing I finally started career game few month ago. while I hate the tech restrictions oh boy its so much more fun as there is some sense of purpose. Normally I am diligent enough with the F5 that in case of SHTF I can just F9 . But there was that one time .... :)

    Prestigious orbit rescue contract came up. Billy-Bobzer found himself in a very peculiar situation and orbit that commanded a 2star contract while still in Kerbin SOI (or perhaps it was 3star, but I will go conservative on this one), a ~45degree , around 8 Mil Km.  KSS "Badabunga", basically just a cluster of reentry rated rescue capsules with some fuel and sparks hanging out together at 100Km orbit (a very economical way to handle the surge of strugglers that was going on at that time), got the call. I guestimated that dV should be surely about enough, staged "Badabunga-03" pod, burned to raise AP, hibernated the probe core, set Alarm in KAC. all is good and trivial I thought, easy money, unlike the drama unfolding with Mun lander "Abutbul" mission, landing recklessly to discover dangerously low fuel levels. after over 10 attempts (and reloads) managed to launch "Abutbul" to very very , mountain scraping low orbit above Mun (as I found out solid blue line can still intersect with terrain and "scrape" the ship) and all out burn home with kerbin Pe of 45Km. yey! happy F5! F5 F5! Ok now to get poor Billy-Bobzer home! throw some reckless maneuvers, and tank is dry... wht? lets retry. reload, no stupid maneuvers now, carefully plan inclination match, rendezvous, cancel out relative speed, gotcha! lower that PE, aaaand tank is dry nowhere near atmo... Mothe&^%*^#! lets reload, plan, burn, Mothe&^%*^#!  on one hand there is a life of a very valuable Engineer, on the other it will cost 50K funds to send a dedicated rescue ship plus tons of paperwork to account of wasted capsule. Well Billy, its good that you have that Jetpack on ya, and wiki says you are packing 600 dV in it! . updated mission profile dictated setting the capsule for a quick flyby , ] switching to wreckage when close enough, EVA and with space pants on fire chase the rescue capsule to board as it speeds away at about 400 M/s Relative! now that was something, managed to pull it off on try 3 with nearly empty RCS tank, and burning capsules tank dry (at AP) finally got the guy low enough into Kerbin Atmo to be on the ground after 2 more orbits around.

    sheesh, that came out quite long :) . Since then I learned to do much more fuel efficient phase matched intercepts (oh so that's what that radial in/out slider is for! cool!). Billy, now a 3-star Engineer, productively works on Minmus outpost and bagged quite a few repair missions including a daring antenna install (thank goodness for KIS/KAS) when contracted satellite left kerbin launchpad without one. Antenna absence was obviously only noticed after carefully positioning the  satellite in target polar orbit.

  14. On 8/23/2017 at 9:34 AM, Rodger said:

    I've been having problems with IR parts shifting position - on craft reload, hinges/servos will be offset from where they should be by a meter or so:

    (the rotators should be on the ends of the struts)

    No kjr, no autostruts, rework parts, KSP1.3... many mods. I'll try tomorrow to get a light IR install and reproduce... But anyone else had this?

    I get similar issues with all stock parts craft as well. IIRC bug with KSP itself, engine and heat shield shrouds misaligned at a times.

  15. Good dV and I do not mind clipping to much but TBH The wings do look to complex to my liking. Is KSP combining the lift rating for all surfaces when arranged like this?

    Due to single seat and no payload it looks to have quite limited range of applications aside of test craft. But then again it probably matters to me since I play career exclusively of late. 

  16. This post is not to ask for status update, nor to hurry up. This work understandably  takes time, and many thanks for putting it in .

    Glad the other parts are working, but patiently waiting for engines to get updated. frankly that's what I use mostly from this mod - awesome lift fans embedded into OPT wings for an awesome VTOL craft.



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