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Posts posted by agrasyuk

  1. As I came to find out it is not enough to have CoL behind CoM, the aft portion that contains the engines is still way to heavy.

    what I would try is swapping places between the cargo bay with the middle fuel tank. before entry pump all the remaining fuel into this front tank, perhaps it will make the front heavy enough. or perhaps you may need to add even more "ballast" tanks? the craft under spoiler can maintain the pictured attitude on entry only with full front tanks, otherwise it will tumble exactly as you describe. I am pumping the fuel aft again after more dense atmosphere is reached since the craft cannot maintain level flight when it is that front heavy. 




    and there it is a much more deep answer above :) 

  2. Revisiting this thread.
    after several trials i just couldn't make any good looking B9 wing configs. All i added is just another set of OPT large pylons, anything more was just not looking right. However what really helped with lift is adding incidence to all wings :)
    Went through several iterations of dropped aerial boosters and instead of loads of whiplashes i ended up with AE-4 Valkyre from Mk.4 plane mod. crazy powerful engine, not as much top speed power as OPT Scramjetsbut opening to best thrust much sooner (much lower service cieling too). for the rockets I kept the Vectors (T30's were just not cutting it). test payload 72t. - two full orange tanks :)

    accend profile is just a ted cheaty for a luck of better word. the plane will klimb on just the airbreathers to 10K but accelerating past 1.2 Mach is not happening due to extra drag - 5Deg or so AoA has to be keep to stay level. as it was said in some other thread on here the solution to high AoA is either more wing and-or more thrust. fire those Vectors!!! it does not take a long pulse at all from those monsters to kick the plane into ~1.55Mach at which point the AE-4 Valkyres have enough thrust to keep the craft accelerating. scramjets are slowly waking up and at 15Km go absolutely crazy. pods are dry of fuel at about 20Km, AE-4 drastically dropping in thrust at this point so away they go. at 26 or so Km Vectors are fired again helping the rapidly loosing scramjets (they keep firing till 32Km or os) pushing that apoapsis out.  by the time Ap is at 100Km, Pe is already above the surface since the burn is nearly horizontal, does not take much to circularize. this is one hot ascend however and i'm sure alot Dv lost to friction. but there is some leftover fuel.


    At the runway displaying cargo.



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    initial climb



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    Pods drop, things are heating up



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    coasting to the edge of the Atmosphere, outrunning the daylight. solar panels hidden in aft service bays extend to catch some energy



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    Circularized at sloppy 119x105.5Km orbit , emerging from night side. opened the Baysto showcase the VTOL Spikes 




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    most forward K 6-Meter fuel tank is locked and hence still full after the acsend. if all remainder fuel also pumped forward reentry can be made at perpendicular (radial out) attitude for excelent breaking. if fuel not pumped entry is strictly prograde, smallest deviation and it tumbles uncontrolably    just hitting the edge while over the dessert:



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    deeper in the Atmo. (took the screen on another flight). the craft has to be very nose heavy to keep this attitude, to heavy to keep horisontal in normal flight , so another fuel transfer needs to be made at about 30-25Km.



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  3. Thanks Aerogav. That is indeed more efficient to have airbreathers on pods. Perhaps I will need to ditch my idea of not dropping engines. 

    But I think I found the biggest culprit. Not sure why I didn't try F12 overlay sooner. my rear side consoles ( the J part ) were producing immense amounts of drag! I guess Something there didn't snap right (sometimes OPT stuff refuses to connect to snap points) and the game probably calculated an area as flat. It was quite interesting experiment when I gutted the deployment bays of everything , replaced scrams with inverted nosecones to try and pinpoint the source of this drag and even in that config the red line was tripple the drag of wide middle K section. 

     Rebuilt from scratch, drag is now comparable to the rest of components and the dynamic is much better. Will not get to orbit without boosters but step in right direction )


    On ‎3‎/‎8‎/‎2017 at 3:05 PM, AeroGav said:

    I think the localisation is good news.  Russia seems to breed more than its fair share of aeronautical engineers (Sukhoi, Tupolev etc. etc.   is it something in their breakfast cereal?)  so more Russian players = more interesting craft  on KerbalX  and even more foul-mouthed machinimas to watch on Youtube.     

    Also I'm sure Japanese Kawaii culture is going to love Kerbals.  I want my Kerbal doll and fancy dress outfit now !  

    as Native Russian speaker I strongly disagree. with todays ease of translation players who are intelligent enough to play KSP will not find it to hard to find their way in the game (no need to flip through paper dictionaries). It is not a barrier. English happens to be the language of science and technology . the only good thing about this effort is Squad having additional revenue which I guess does not make it a totally wasted effort.

    I do not disagree on Kawaii however :)

  5. thanks for the pictures Seaces.
    looks very interesting indeed. I am gravitating to conclusion that i'm trying to bite much more then i can chew here, but not ready to give up. I did practice with a J-body test airframe to get a feel how pair of OPT J-92's behave at various speeds for atmospheric flight. did make it to orbit (had rocket motors on it as well) and landed at KSC but it had no payload to speak of and I would guess i didn't fly it in the most efficient way. i can post the design when back at home PC, but doubt anyone will find it interesting.

    Are you saying you have eight scramjets in there? i can only spot 4, did you attach them one after another and "collapse" them together with gizmos? which brings me to question on how game aerodynamics (im pretty sure i'm using FAR) considers "occluded" parts? to stiffen my structure I used hidden struts: moved J-nose cones away , strutted side consoles to wings and the pylons, moved nosecone back. do those occluded struts count towards drag? will pushing landing gear gondolas further into the body improve drag?
    any idea if a forward facing tail section produces more drag then a nose-cone(i have one in that the docking port bulge on top of cockpit)?

    bewing, a followup Q if i may.
    i looked up the reverse nose-cone topic. neat trick and indeed looks good on the RAPIER but i can't figure out if it improves drag characteristics on any other engine. will attaching those at the end of Vector motors and then pushing them in improve the drag?
    with that it does give me an idea of attaching them on stack decouplers and stage/jettison on Rocket motor ignition :)


  6. Many thanks for your replies guys.

    intended payload is a small mobile mining operation or a colony base. Destination Mun or Duna probably will be doable (after refueling in orbit), maybe further Dv permitting. I really like that K-wide cargo-hold can fit two Feline rovers side by side and for now its my chassis of choice for drill rig, mobile refinery and a tanker. i'm still working on those so exact weight is unknown. am i hoping for impossible if I say ~40 ton (its a big hold, lots of stuff can be stuffed there :) )?

    Streetwind, bewing,
    More wings does make sense. I guess this craft being a good glider (dry and unpowered) gave me the impression of sufficient surfaces.
    will attempt to add surface but keeping that CoL to the back of craft will be hard.

    thanks for the in-depth answer! OPT J-92 scramjet is basically four stock ""whiplash" jets combined so its as if I have 16 ramjets total. from what i can tell ISP and height/speed characteristics are exactly the same or at least very comparable.
    I don't insist on steep climb at Step 6 and will be again trying a shallow one as you suggested (speed is indeed good). the reason for me being in a hurry to get to 10K is that during previous test flights i found that flying lower I fail to accelerate past Mach2 even with rockets on for to long, i suspect due to drag, scramjet hits the sweetspot to late and flight never leaves the atmosphere altogether. hopefully more wings and less AoA as you suggested will get it done (getting to 25Km on only airbreathers does make lots of sense).

    At this point what i'm really after is learning. If mission control says this object absolutely has to be in orbit right NOW no matter the cost i'd just strap it to a rocket and launch vertically :) , but i really want to do it the proper way. SSTO is a pipe dream, I'm ok shedding boosters (SRBs have chutes on them and are recoverable) and drop-tanks, but rather not jettison stages with engines if i can help it.
    the most enjoyable factor of this game for me is the engineering challenge. VAB and now SPH is where bulk of my game time spent.


    best regards


  7. Hello  , forum. i'm a longtime board reader, decided to join to pick at collective wisdom getting my very heavy spaceplane to orbit. Steam says I have almost 350 hours clocked in KSP so far. i'm proficient enough with vertical launchers and can send stuff up there acceptably well,  but  never dabbed in planes and spaceplanes to much. when i came across OPT Parts (https://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/opt-space-plane-parts-v1-9) I knew I just have to build the wide K body liner. And it had to be VTOL with a rear hatch to drive a jeep into!
    My Craft “K-Lifter” features 3 cargo sections with a back ramp. 4 J-deployment bays house pair of aerospikes each  For atmospheric propulsion I use four OPT monstrous J-92 scramjets, four S3 KS-25 Vectors for Vacuum. With Dry craft Mass 150 ton, Fueled 370ton vertical takeoff from kerbin is impossible its more of a landing stage fit for Mun or Duna, luckily runway is long and awesome. Takeoff config adds pair of 50 ton drop tanks holding 5000units of LF and 3500 of OXi each. Rocket takeoff assist stage comprised of 8 Large Boosters for a total take-off mass 668 Ton before any payload. To achieve CoF behind CoM wings have 1degree of AoA . Handling of this contraption is not very simple so using Infernal robotics hinges and a probe core I created a working “fly-by-wire” stability augmentation device that allows me to finely adjust trim. 




    Takeoff config with droptanks and SRBs attached



    Underside, RAT boosters, J-Deploy bay with VTOL Aerospikes visible. Infernal Robotics "fly-by-wire" probecore   gimball  on the fuel tank.



    Mission  profile:
    1.    On craft load parking brakes set to on, X to set 0 thrust, switch craft control to stability probe-core, Sps to launch.
    2.    Action group 1 deactivates VTOL engines, shuts of bay lights and closes the bays
    3.    Action group 4 to deactivate KS-25 Vector engines
    4.    Throttle set full, as scramjets spool up deactivate parking brakes



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    5.    At third mark activate RAT stage. fly off the edge of runaway at ~120M/sec pitching up VERY slowly. I manage to keep the low hanging Boosters most of the times. well its possible - proof: 




    6.    Pitch to 35-40 degree climb. Boosters shut down and ejected at ~4600-4800Meter of altitude after accelerating the craft to 280M/sec. moment before shutdown KS-25 Vector rockets ignited to help getting altitude fast. 
    7.    Slowly leveling off at 10K (at which point craft breaks mach1 )and begin acceleration. Drop tanks jetted at 1.6 mach. Very shallow climb.



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    8.    at  2.7 Mach rockets are shutdown as scramjets reach their peak performance and can accelerate the craft without assistance. pitch up 5-15Deg. to keep speed below Mach3.  seeing more and more flames




    9.    switching to rockets again at about 23Km, maintain prograde which is slightly above horizon pushing that Apoapsis to 75Km. 
    10.    enjoy the rest of suborbital flight since there is not enough fuel to Circularize even when test payload is only a measly 4.5 ton. After few test flights I tweaked LF to LF/ Ox fuel tanks so at this point leftover fuel component is below 100 units.
    11.    Gliding OPT stuff is super easy (unless critical AoA is exceeded on descent), easy touchdown without any badabooms (most of the times :) )
    Flying that craft is not easy. Yaw was driving me crazy until I rebuilt the engine adapters without symmetry.  While CoM both dry and Wet is in in front of CoF (even if just a bit) the controls are twitchy transonic and faster, very easy to throw tumbling away, keeping heading is hard (usually can within5deg of desired) Infernal Robotic actuated probe-core makes pitch and yaw control manageable. I
    so far I attempted MOAR engines, added 1 more scramjet on each side which resulted in better dynamic, but still needed rocket assist to get to full scramjet thrust speed. still achieved only suborbital flight and even if it would have made an LKO it makes craft haul 25 ton of useless for space travel engines. Thinking to try bigger drop tanks (Mk.3) and add 4 more SRBs on belly in front for a “RAT stage two”.  next I would try total of 4 per side Scramjets , but make that structure removable (large docking port) on orbit to be replaced with perhaps nuclear propulsion module . obviously will need refuel to get anywhere further.
    what can I improve? opinions welcome. 

    PS that feeling when the original post you typed up is gone before it was posted and you need to retype knowing for sure the intial one was better.

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