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Gibby Kerman

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Everything posted by Gibby Kerman

  1. The KAX Expansion mod has a helicopter engine that works with TCA but that is the only helicopter engine that works with it. Thankfully that engine works with Tweakscale so building bigger helicopters is possible. Still waiting on an answer about the Airplanes Plus engines. Maybe I should post this in that thread too.
  2. Greeting Kerbonauts, Does anyone have info or the knowledge on how to get the Airplane Plus helicopter engines to work with TCA? I know they don't work like the normal engines so TCA doesn't see them. Does anyone know how to edit the files Airplane Plus files so TCA can work with them? Or does anyone know of helicopter engine mods that work with TCA? Many thanks. -Gibby
  3. Wanted to revive this very useful thread with a question. Does anyone no how to “add” engines to TCA? The Airplane Parts helicopter engine are not compatible with TCA. Possibly adding or changing something in the part files could be a start? This mod seems perfect for them. Any help is appreciated.
  4. Hello Kerbalnauts, When I am taking pictures with Kerbal vessel Viewer the saved file is just a gray image. Has anyone had this issue and know how to fix it ? Thanks a bunch.
  5. Thank you for the help. I kinda figured it was three separate images but wanted to be sure.
  6. I'm using 1.2 and trying to take the three angle view pictures of my crafts. I could not find any guys on here or on line. So far I can only take pictures of one craft at one angle. Any help would be appreciated.
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