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Everything posted by Chilkoot

  1. Definitely not forgetting - I still feel it was a bad design decision to recycle existing content. I could use the same argument to suggest those who want new textures (we just got those) or to explore old content in the new game can install mods to do that.
  2. I'm trying to get excited about this, Nate, but I don't think still more flights to Duna and Jool are going to motivate returning players. I truly feel that rehashing the KSP 1 solar system as the starter zone was a design misstep, as we won't be blazing exciting new trails until very late in the progression tree. Adding the original system as an interstellar destination would have been a fun homage and adventure, but each time I see these new models, all I can think is, "oh boy, Eloo... again." A possible compromise would be to offer a choice of two different starting zones to give returning players some interesting new destinations to shoot for right out of the gate. I understand the difficulties in making something like this happen, but I think a lot of players are going to have a hard time finding anything special about yet another "first landing" on Mun.
  3. The parts and fuel in stock KSP are scaled down from realistic values for the miniaturized game world. There is a blanket mod that reverts them back to "almost real" ratios, which is called SMURFF. I think it goes without saying that if Private Division released an "education institution" version of the game with a real, full-scale solar system, they would implement realistic fuel-mass fractions as well, or the game would be unplayable. Mimicking the real solar system bodies *without* real-world scale would be teaching kids the wrong thing. You *want* them to learn and memorize things like real-world acceleration due to gravity, escape velocities, transfer window timing, etc.
  4. It's absolutely plausible, but it would be difficult to do well due to the multiple game modes and screens. The best VR titles today typically have only one or two "views", and any interactive screens like, for example, the tech tree selection in KSP1, would be overlays in a real-world environment - like a screen you walk up to or a book you open. For a solid VR interface, you generally have to plan for it from day one, as retrofitting VR controls without forethought, esp. for a multi-view game like the current KSP would be messy and may never feel natural.
  5. When I first heard about horse armor, I literally thought it was some kind of prank. I didn't believe it until my brother-in-law handed me a CD with the content on it.
  6. The Pandarin in WoW started as an April Fool's gag... one never knows!
  7. I still think there would be a monsterous education channel-sales market for a stock, RSS-only release of KSP 2 geared for elementary/secondary schools. Learn rocket science and plan a real Mars rover mission at the same time. The game is actually *more* engaging (IMO) with real planets/dwarfs/moons/etc, and I think this would a huge hit with schools.
  8. Wow - two big announcements today (screenshot below). Here's a text copy from the website: Kerbal Space Program 2, the sequel to the acclaimed space flight game from Private Division, will be lithobraking on Earth December 1st, 2020. [image][image] With the original Kerbal Space Program having become one of the most beloved games of all time, and now bigger than ever, Kerbal Space Program 2 has been fully redesigned from the ground up to meet the demands of modern and next-generation space exploration, all while maintaining the monumental foundations of the first game. To deliver the most immersive and engaging experience possible, we are very excited to announce that Kerbal Space Program 2 will be exclusively playable in Virtual Reality! Kerbonauts will feel the engines roar to life as they lift off from KSC, gaze out the command pod window while their craft eases to a landing, and reach down to gather rock samples from the surface of Mün. Kerbal Space Program 2 is compatible with all major Virtual Reality platforms including SteamVR, Oculus Rift, Windows Mixed Reality and PSVR.
  9. For sure - black holes may be far more common than expected. In fact, there are models that predict remnant earth-mass stable black holes. Hell, I've heard of theories suggesting there's one in own solar orbit responsible for the observed perturbations and grav lensing in trans-Neptunian space. There may be reams of these scattered throughout the universe, and are one possible explanation for the observed dark matter phenomenon. E: I don't believe that black holes less than roughly earth mass are stable - they would evaporate off over time.
  10. This is very exciting, and thank-you for all the hard work. I honestly don't know how you guys keep up with all the version changes in KSP. Hopefully KSP2 has a more static and standardized mod path that lets modders create and not hobble them with constant compatibility efforts.
  11. Not sure if we're supposed to link here, but a post on the KSP subreddit had quite a bit more info on the closed-door PAX presentation.
  12. I was thinking the same, or have some other method to tie into a persistent world running server-side. We still don't know enough about KSP 2 multiplayer to say if there will be any kind of persistent worlds like with Minecraft (whether paid, or simple server software that you can execute standalone), but a mobile app *could* tie into such a persistent system in a limited way to let you browse your tech tree, possibly manage colonies, etc.
  13. I was referring to the PAX interview from a couple of days ago where Nate S. explained that KSP 2's UI is being designed from the ground up to feel natural and efficient with a controller for console play. KSP2's console version will be a very different beast than the current incarnation. wrt/tablets and/or ARM, never underestimate a publisher's willingness to sacrifice a beloved franchise to squeeze a few extra bucks out of other markets
  14. We'll see. No publisher on the planet would write off the enormous mobile market from long-term consideration. I do recall a time when there was a resounding chorus of "KSP will never hit consoles!". Look where we are today.
  15. "Best" is a stretch when you look at the physics performance of KSP 1. Physics calcs have been - by far and away - the single most limiting factor for game performance since day 1 in KSP and arguably the reason a KSP 2 is needed at all. Even with the challenges of multi-core physics programming, the entire CPU industry is rushing headlong into more and more cores, and it would be foolish to program the game not to move with the industry. When you consider the fact that KSP 2 will be built ground-up for console performance (GPU physics offload, anyone?) and the *possibility* it will be ported to ARM architecture for the tablet industry, I would suggest there is essentially zero chance the physics in KSP 2 will be single-core. I can't imagine the publisher being so short-sighted as to permit this.
  16. I believe calendar Q1 2022 will be Take Two's fiscal Q4 2022.
  17. My biggest concern when that happened is that it gives the producers an "out" on any previous announcements or commitments made by Star Theory. Some of the most contentious areas that were addressed by ST in the past: Distribution platfom (ST said "Steam and others") No real-money microtransactions Moddability Multiplayer If the new studio says something like "Hey we have great news for all you KSP fans... we've made some changes under the hood to make KSP 2 even moar awesome!" that when I'll start to worry about the above...
  18. This is why I love running KIS/KAS mods, and I hope we see *some* of this functionality built into KSP2. It opens so many possibilites like hooking ground structures together for resource transfer, lifting parts around, welding a docking port to an old ship in orbit, etc.
  19. I think he's saying, "I'd like a thorough game manual explaining the game's features and mechanics". Not for everyone, but there's an argument to be made that the lack of manuals is laziness and cost-cutting, even today. No matter which camp you're in, a strong game manual is a hallmark of polish and attention to detail. Just like many game features, not everyone will use it, but those who do are likely to really appreciate it.
  20. Might be a better idea, honestly. If there's any kind of active development on the old one when the new one releases, it's going to be a marketing nightmare no matter how you slice it.
  21. Even if there was going to be a feature change large enough to warrant a major version increase, it's very likely the publisher (who is the ultimate decision maker on these things) would not permit them to use the 2.x designation to avoid consumer confusion. It would be a marketing and messaging nightmare. If they were going to move into 2.x range with OG KSP, they likely would have done it with what was named 1.8 including the engine + graphics overhaul. Publisher probably told them "nope, you're 1.x forever, boys, deal with it".
  22. I keep wondering if we're ever going to see KSP 2.x version numbers, or if PD will put the brakes on that numbering scheme to avoid confusion. With the new studio and direction, the producers may finally pull the plug on further KSP development. All previous announcements seem to be off the table now with recent developments. The whole idea of simultaneous development of two separate products under the same name - from the same company - is pretty messed up, really. Golden rule #2 of any business is never to be in competition with yourself. As long as OG KSP is has new content being released it will poach sales from KSP 2, and vice-versa. No producer can sell that scenario to their board for very long. Either KSP development wraps soon, or KSP 2 is pushed back significantly.
  23. I'm curious about your take on the implementation of: Reaction wheels Solar generation Battery power density per unit weight The speed of light Do you apply realism mods for all of these including about a half-dozen other non-realities that are tweaked solely for the purpose of gameplay? Let's be 100% crystal clear here: while this game represents some fun and important aspects of the engineering and physics behind space exploration, it is in no way an accurate simulator and never has been.
  24. Spit beer on my good gaming laptop. Bill is in the mail. but he'll survive because he is indestructible
  25. You have to be careful about where you draw the line in suspending disbelief and insisting on realism. I find it far easier to accept MetH2 in the game than a race of anatomically and evolutionary impossible bipeds that can exist in space for decades with no air, water, or shielding. If you're going to start saying "It has to be a hard science simulation", then we have to get rid of Kerbals entirely, change the scale of the solar system, eliminate/swap some of the planets, etc.
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