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  1. can i use this in 1.2.2? --- nvm time to update ksp.
  2. hi, yes, im using 1.2.2 and other mods are working fine. this is the screenshot of the orange text
  3. Hi, i have this problem. the engine is at 100% but no speed at all. pic. modlist thx for the help
  4. i just stop by to thank you for your work. the mod is awesome,
  5. i did the same, only reworks, and now the mod is working perfect !
  6. yup. that was fine. ill do a reinstall and see, also i did the autostrut thing using this in config. @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleWheelBase]] { @MODULE[ModuleWheelBase] { %autoStrut = False } } idk if i'm missing something or did something wrong
  7. i have that problem too, and already tried the solution posted by @Rokmonkey, still not working.
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