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  1. solved the issue! After a whole sunday of toying with downloads, files, copy, clean installs, erase and try again... I had OPT installed with CKAN.exe, and as I added mods, they overwrote OPT JSI stuff, so it messed with it. To solve this I un-installed OPT from CKAN.exe, and installed it last manually with its native JSI support. Now have to check if every mod run fine
  2. Well, probably because the game completly shuts down? Linux doesn't even say it has crashed. I'm going to do a clean install and try using mods without CKAN.exe, first OPT + RPM If I show up again it's because I still have a problem (I may also show up to say it works). Thanks for your time
  3. Thank you. So if I believe "How To Get Support" thread the crash log is "player.log". Here we go https://www.dropbox.com/s/ivwobnv21a1lo6n/Player.log?dl=0
  4. I can't find where in my history atm. But I swear I have download it this week ok so this is the file I downloaded: https://codeload.github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/InfernalRobotics/zip/2.0.10 I can't find how I found it in the first place
  5. OK so I put files #1 and #2 and it worked. Ignored file #3. I now have to master the intricacies of space robotics arms Thank you!
  6. here https://www.dropbox.com/s/fqslo3728annz2l/installed-default.ckan?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/ouc8xmmchma5lwd/KSP.log?dl=0
  7. Ok I did this and the game still crashes. Log: Besides cockpits work without RPM, but there is no point in using them without
  8. Thanks. So first I'm Linux user (Ubuntu 16.04 64 bits). I use CKAN.exe to install mods. I use Mono to launch CKAN.exe. then I launch KSP via CKAN.exe. I have plenty of mods installed this way, most work fine. I have installed manually other mods too (like USI). Second I have downloaded 3 IR files: 1- IR-2.0.10-Final-Core (contains GameData file) 2- IR-LegacyParts (contains GameData file) 3- InfernalRobotics-2.0.10 This last file contains: 3a- InfernalRobotics (contains another InfernalRobotics which contains lots of files which could go into GameData) 3b- Resources (contains Branding + GameData + Infernal-Robotics-Unity-UI + IR-LegacyParts) So I'm a bit confused!! 1- and 2- go into GameData, I get it. But 3-?
  9. Will provide tonight (at work atm). I have a heavily modded KSP (more than 7000 thingies loaded at start). I run KSP via CKAN.exe via Mono. Most other mods run fine. My OPT mods are installed via CKAN.exe modlist: log end (at which time errors occur) thanks for your help.
  10. Mod looking great but I can't install it. When I download it the file has plenty of subfiles, and I don't know what to put exactly where, and so it doesn't work.
  11. I have problems with loading cockpits. My game crashes before entering runway if I make a plane with any non-legacy OPT cockpit. I have searched on the internets for this problem but obviously can't find anything to solve my problem also because the keyword "crash" is already heavily used in KSP ^^ I have made a plane with OPT 'Stail' and it's running fine. But OPT J, nope, can't load the plane, crash. Didn't try OPT K. My OS is Linux btw.
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