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Everything posted by Ssen

  1. Tried to fly a plane on pol and there didn't seems to be any atmosphere. I got very close to the planet, within what should be the atmosphere, even said there was atmosphere present but i had no air intake on my craft or any resistance on the wings. I could deploy aerobrakes and they would have no effect. I could even go backwards without any problems. Anything that may cause this?
  2. I am having trouble with certain planets not working properly. On planets like tylo and laythe, the atmosphere seems to be broken, in that it will show atmosphere and act like it has atmosphere for a few seconds before it disappears, then reappears and so on over and over again. This makes it impossible to areobrake or fly planes effectively. I have no other mods installed that should affect the solar system and this mods has priority. Any help would be greatly appreciated
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