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  • About me
    Creator of GU & KSS2
  • Location
    My evil lab.
  • Interests
    When not bothered, making planets 24/7

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  1. Thank you for your concern. Allow me to clarify a few points: 1. **Copyright Protection**: Copyright protection is automatic upon creation and doesn't necessitate formal registration, applicable globally, including in Belgium. 2. **Scope of Ownership**: I don't claim ownership over Kerbal Space Program or any other mods. The "All/Some Rights Reserved" statement pertains solely to the original content I created for my mod. However, due to the negative connotations associated with this statement and the reactions it has elicited, I've been advised to change the name. I'll research this matter further tomorrow and make any necessary changes. In the meantime, all downloads are suspended to minimize any potential damage. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact me privately.
  2. OPM Parallax is the issue I think. If I remember correctly it doesn't mix wel with Parallax 2.
  3. There are exceptions when it comes to redistribution or mirroring 'against the wishes of the creator'.
  4. Archive.org agreed upon immediate removal as my claim was legal and most certainly valid. I will ask kindly to not upload any of my content on other sites behind my back.
  5. I cannot offer experience climate / weather wise. But i can show you this tool: https://space.geometrian.com/calcs/climate-sim.php
  6. I will not push you towards making a purchase to play KSS2. But I will tell you that it's worth the money.
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