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    Rocketry Enthusiast
  1. Took a break from ksp for a while to knock out my cnc midterm, all I can say is damn what did I miss?
  2. Have not had a good look at this yet, but this may be what we need for a script handler. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/69313-WIP-kRPC-A-language-agnostic-Remote-Procedure-Call-server-for-KSP
  3. wow m1sz impressive again, are those anchors from kas on the bottom of the feet?
  4. Cant quite say its shiny yet, but definitely looks good! What is shifting the COM from leg to leg?
  5. Yeah I would definitely want to see this thing walking. Although I would need to start small, to keep the first one stabilized a reaction wheel could be used before having to fiddle with 3d movements. To get that far you need some sort of intermediate controller to work the Infernal Robotics groups and individual servos. after that there is a whole laundry list of things depending on how complex you want make it. Ill try and get my simulator running some raptor walk cycles this weekend.
  6. right I did kinda leave that hanging. Solving inverse kinematic algorithms and writing code to get the limbs moving. Its used to make walk/run cycles and movements for robots and all that jazz.
  7. Very nice! I would be giving this a whirl if I was not digging for the model I might have to brush up on inverse kinematics and c#
  8. Wow this is great stuff. I mocked up a Semayorka clone using a combination of stock and 30 minute parts, and can say I'm thoroughly excited! Two questions though... It looks like you are really planning on covering a pretty broad scale of vehicles, what gave you the original idea? How come I haven't seen this sooner? the concept art is awesome!
  9. So, I got around finally to testing what changes in HL's crush depth code would be like and Its fairly promising aside from the fact that It takes too much in game effort to take advantage of it . Initial small scale tests were good, not too much in the way of camera weirdness, it occasionally reverted to the root part's COM but upon exiting and reloading the craft it managed to fix it. But large scale tests rarely ended with the craft breaking up if it was loaded from a landed position on the sea floor. Gameplay-wise this does open up more opportunities for Kethane and the like but it is very time consuming when compared to extra planetary mining and exploitation. Unless there was a specific reason to go to the ocean floor there isn't much reason, the process was extremely slow and frustrating. Perhaps better craft design on my part could have solved this problem. But for anyone willing to replicate this, inside the underwatercamera.cs is a public double Crushingdepth I set mine to -4200 figuring that would be deeper than I would ever need. I'll probably post screeenshots later of the WIP underwater derrick I'm using to test this.
  10. Yeah, I figured as much, Its (probably) not worth it. Then again I will look into it more and see if I can get any results, but don't hold your breath.
  11. I have started messing around with submarines lately, and recalled a problem with the pressure limit(due to wonky physics at lower depths) at a certain depth. Is there any way I can get around it? For example, to justify creating a psuedo deep-water rig just above said limit and dropping a drilling ROV on a KAS winch to the bottom. My first assumption would be that this is either impossible or too difficult at the moment. Please correct me if I am wrong though.
  12. Wow great work, now to either cram as much as i can onto this thing, or play that section from ace combat
  13. no the new parts are not out yet neutrinovore, lack seems to be in a teasing mood lately . Anyways, what did you nerf your 2x1 nerva to and what are the stats for the vtol, if you don't mind me asking?
  14. I remember early on the default staging worked 80-90% of the time, now it is more like woe to me should I forget to double check it.
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