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Posts posted by RunsWithScissors

  1. On 7/29/2017 at 9:29 PM, qzgy said:

    A day late, but here nonetheless. Sorry about that.

    February 1982: Northrop Tacit Blue

    Tacit Blue was a technology demonstrator aircraft to show tat a stealthy surveillance craft with sensors could operate near the front lines without dying. Essentially, it is what Have Blue was to fighter-bombers as it is to surveillance craft. It one component in a larger program dealing with better targeting, reconnaissance and munitions technologies. Tacit Blue also helped validate a number of new stealth developments.


    Nickanmed 'The Whale', it had two turbofan engines with a flush intake on top, and was controlled by a fly-by-wire system to improve stability. After 135 flights over about 3 years, it was retired to the National Museum of the United States Air Force. Technology developed on Tacit Blue is being used nowadays in the E-8 Joint STARS aircraft


    Download: https://kerbalx.com/qzgy/Tacit-Blue

    Tommorow's craft: @Servo's F-16XL

    By god that plane is ugly. What where they thinking?

  2. 8 hours ago, qzgy said:

    The answer to this, AFAIK, is "not much, if at all"

    Also, I can't remember, but are all flavors of the Super Hornet twin seaters?

    Edit: Should have just looked it up. F/A-18E is not, F/A-18F is (a twin seater).

    I was just going from memory.

    2 hours ago, He_162 said:

    You guys say "flavor" all the time like it's special >:)

    I prefer the following: Kinds, versions, models, and or designs.

    Yeah, not used to hearing a few tons of metal and electronics, and a little more firepower called a "flavor" but I'm sure the taste of jet fuel in the air when those things compressor stall (*on rare occasions) would give them some taste.

    Admittedly, "flavor" was a poor word choice on my part. I said "flavor" as a way to spicen up my thought.

  3. 19 hours ago, He_162 said:

    I don't think it's tiny at all? 

    No no no, that's not what I mean by "baby" hornet. (I'm not sure how much the civilian world uses the term "baby" when talking about the old hornet. I grew up with a dad in the navy who always pointed out the differences between the 2, and always used the phrase "baby". I was just using a term I was used to using and was familiar to me.)  The are 2 different "flavors" of hornet- the so called baby hornet, and the super hornet. The main visible difference on the surface between the "baby" hornet are the shape of the intakes, the super hornet having rectangular intakes and the baby hornet having circular intakes. The super hornet is also newer than the baby hornet. (And the Super hornet is also slightly larger.)

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