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Everything posted by Chel

  1. Have been playing a game for 6 hours straight, but yes I will reply @Coca992
  2. They haven't changed it, it's been disabling achievements since it was implemented as a way for people to legitimately earn Achievements and Trophies
  3. This is the issue I'm talking about
  4. Banned for reuploading the default pic
  5. Yes they are. They didn't add any plane parts as they hadn't made any
  6. They're adding everything in from 1.6 I believe, they're not actually making new parts
  7. I know I can, but I don't know how to share them tho
  8. Instead of having this chaos again, you can submit your new bugs on the Bug Tracker (https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/) They've fixed a lot of existing bugs. I've only encountered one thing last night (minor IVA issue), so I think they've done a pretty good job. It's going to take a long time to forgive them for what they did to my beloved Mk1-2 Command Pod (Never forget), and I'm sorta happy with the new Mk1 look, going to test out part variants and stuff tonight. The new suits look cool, but the EVA pack isn't producing any visual thrust. The crackling of the Panther and RAPIER is still present, and I've only had some FPS drops in the SPH and VAB when I move my cursor over to the parts area. But other than that, I think they've done a very good job!
  9. So I played some EE yesterday, built a craft, no problems. Went into IVA mode in the Mk1 cockpit, and you know how there's that green part that shows your speed and stuff? Why, the letters had apparently moved OUT of that green screen area, and down the side of my ship! Instead of like: ORB: 2953m/s I get this: O R B 2 9 5 3 m / s It may be a first time startup issue, so I'll play again tonight and see if it's still there
  10. Welcome to our humble corner of the internet, new user!
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