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Everything posted by Chel

  1. Chel

    Error 1020

  2. Chel

    Error 1020

  3. Chel

    Error 1020

    Looks like reactions are down too I just went to react to KerbolExplorer's post and it said 'Sorry there was a problem reacting to this content'
  4. Chel

    Error 1020

    How long will this go on for? I wanna browse da forums!
  5. Chel

    Error 1020

    This is actually scary.
  6. Chel

    Error 1020

    What is happening?!?!!
  7. Chel

    Error 1020

    I just got it too! Does anyone know what's happening? DDoS?
  8. This time they're holding it back to fix some issues to make it better for us, the players. They're doing a good thing
  9. Really? They're only working on a few issues, 8 months is a bit extreme IMO
  10. Ah. I can imagine that having the negative reaction would probably lead to mass downvotes for little reason or something. It's kinda funny to see how they have excellent rep if they're toxic and bots
  11. Hopefully it'll just be a few days, maybe a week or two at most. I'm still happy that they're doing this though. At least they're trying to update the game, rather than just abandon it.
  12. Looking cool! I experimented once by building a large cargo plane and airdropping a rover out the back of it. It worked surprisingly well
  13. Chel


    Chernobyl, Ukraine. Home of 16 legged cats and other defects for local animals
  14. How does the rep work? Like is it always set to 'Excellent' or something? Is there any way to change it?
  15. Woot! Just about 1,500 rep! 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 4x4cheesecake



      Take one from as well :)

    3. GRS


      Just Kidding, enjoy your 1500th Rep !!!

    4. Kernel Kraken

      Kernel Kraken

      *going back and removing all the likes I gave you* that should at least half your rep. Stop being funny.

  16. I'm actually starting to think this is unwinnable 47 (+)
  17. Yes, PC has Making History DLC, console has History and Parts Pack. They're different
  18. Is it even possible to pre order/buy it?
  19. It's hilarious that people are like 'Guys stop responding you're spamming my inbox' as they send that to the whole school
  20. It hurts for a lot of people (including me) but ranting about it and blaming the devs for everything (as some people have done) isn't going to help. We all just need to be patient
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