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Joseph Kerman

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Everything posted by Joseph Kerman

  1. Ah, but this is the Galactic Empire. Still Our hill.
  2. http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/cnc/images/6/67/Gallery_3380_275_21439.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/185?cb=20111103160550
  3. Granted. You are transported to an alternate world in which you are the Most Wanted. I wish to die.
  4. The Empire disintegrates you. Our hill.
  5. Granted. He liked your stinky foot better. I wish ffor rhe worst thing ever. (try ruining that)
  6. I officially built my first Mun rocket. Piloted by Valentina Kerman with Bill Kerman as the repairperson, they set off to be the first couple to land together on the Mun. And we have lift-off, as Val points her head up high for the stars. First stage off, and still going. Second stage ignition succesful, orbital trajectory complete. Getting a Mun encounter on first ty, they burned the last of their second stage fuel. Then they got to the Mun, no scratch. Engaging Puff engines for landing. They used over half the fuel to land, and no scratch, again. They have landed! They planted the flag, got some samples and reports, and headed back home..., only to realize they didn't have enough monopropellant to get even to orbit. So Val said her last words to Bill and set off to the nearest station, the Collabortion Station. But they got the timing wrong, and Val was left on her own, in space, with no hope of getting home...
  7. Using EMP, I take over the robots by incinerating and reprogrammong them. And then they are guarded by a bunch of SpaceJets with lasers. My hill with my robot friends.
  8. I sneakily take your hill while you are asleep. My hill
  9. I make a hill, make it a target for all of my MLRS's, have an army of Marines with GD-10 Multipurpose rifles, Steath Tanks, and push you off your asteroid. My hill
  10. The primary powerhouse is the main engine. SRB's are for boosting, not as the main thrust. Oh yeah, only Ion engines. I think I put too much incentive. To achieve low Kerbol orbit is a good suggestion. If you use SRB's, infinite propellant is disallowed as you cannot control solid fuel burn.
  11. Welcome, KSC greets you a very good welcome. At mission control, they got a very unusual contract. It said that they must make a spacecraft powered solely by the "Dawn" Electric Propulsion System and send it to Kerbol Orbit. Rules -You must use the "Dawn" Ion Engine as the primary powerhouse. -SRB's may be used for initial boost and for Kerbin orbit where the challenge starts. *Alternatively, you may use the Debug to get to your desired orbital altitude. *If you you use the Debug to get you in Kerbol Orbit, you are out. -You may not use NERV Nuclear engines at all. Tips - By using the Offset tool, you can "stack" ion engines within each other. - Using RTG's is not very recommended, but if you use them most often, what can I do? - If you are not the resourceful type and put insufficient batteries and Xenon, try using the Infinite Propellant option. Requirements -It needs to be light if you want to accelerate fast. -It mustn't reach a total overall cost of 900,000 in Funds. -The craft in question mustn't be larger than thrice Kerbal 2's size. -Minimum acceleration of 0.8 m/s2. Any slower cannot enter the challenge. -Screenshots of the craft on Launhpad or Runway, orbiting Kerbin, and then Kerbol.
  12. Do you experience similar problems? I make the KSC Discovery (yes, that is my craft's name) a bit too top heavy and the flutter... I need to attach a crew cabin for a tourist contract and placing radiator panels just makes it flutter like hell that I can't control it even with SAS on. How do you get around if you were able to?
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