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Disparia Books

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Everything posted by Disparia Books

  1. Cool, glad to hear it. I'm going to spend a bit more time practicing and then upload the first. I will probably stream building sessions off and on too. I've got some fun tricks for creating a story that will make it feel a bit more alive. Thanks for the motivation-even one person being excited makes me happy to do it!
  2. *Edit: I will list each chapter as it is available below. ALWAYS download from this post to ensure you use the most up-to-date version* Chapter 1 DXX Download Chapter 2 Download DDX Chapter 3 Download DDX Chapter 4 Download Beta Note: Chapters marked with DX are final and have been played by others and cleaned up of any glitches, errors, or generally broken bits. ------------------------------ Hey all, I've been browsing the forums and it looks like this is a pretty good place to share missions and mission ideas for Making History? I got the DLC day one and have been playing around with the editor ever since. It's powerful, but a bit tricky. That being said, I'm trying to formulate some cool ideas for unique missions and wanted to get your thoughts. I'm a writer by day and love sharing stories. Instead of just doing recreations or one-off missions I thought it would be cool to do a very narrative-driven set of missions that follow each other logically. For example, if you download and play mission 4 and finish it, when you start 5 everything would be in the same place you left it for a bit of continuity. I'm just curious if any of you would be interested in Kerbal missions with a lot of text and story based narrative (that is funny, don't worry) and a mini novel-like approach to missions with each one named with a chapter number in it. The story would follow Jeb from his first day after graduating the Kerbal Space Academy and a rather mundane mission, eventually leading to more elaborate missions exploring the solar system. My first test mission is almost finished and I will upload it here in the coming days for a quick example if anyone wants to see what I mean. I'm still trying to learn everything well enough to actually tell a story though. Thanks everyone! PS-here's Jeb leaving the academy and being swarmed by fans.
  3. Jeb has already played Half life 3, because of that time paradox in the maintenance closet outside the space center's cafeteria. Also, if you can hurl a waluigi colored kerbal into its moon, I'd say it's pretty real. How many kerbals has Half Life killed? Exactly RIP my friends.
  4. I know I've been a bit...absent lately, but for anyone interested I'm going to start a new stream series for the public release of EVO just after New Year's. Using mods, of course. Maybe this series' Kerbal Kill Kount will be much, much higher lower than last time! RIP...most of the Kerbals to ever graduate from the academy.
  5. Just went to the grocers and asked which tubers are the most viable as planetary communications devices. She said they were having a sale on red potatoes this weekend.
  6. I will take a look at this when I get a chance this afternoon, thanks. In the meantime I cranked up the signal strength modifier in settings and seem to be having good luck. I'm other sure if scaling a system also scales signals on satellites and didn't want to risk using a potato with some tinfoil for a satellite (you get the idea)
  7. @RocketPCGaming I'm finding it a unique challenges to say the least. I ditched real fuels and went with the minor fuel overhaul as suggested on the previous page and it's working well. My only issue now is that I keep losing probe control. Im thing to build a relay network but everything says no probe control, even the mighty jx2 sat. Does that scale mess with coms? And I will definitely check out the stream. When ulyou usually on? Edit: smurff and mft for fuels
  8. Anyone know how GPP at 10.6 scale works with Realistic Atmospheres? It installs and opens okay, but I'm wondering from a gameplay perspective if it's useful, compatible, or necessary?
  9. I thought as much, but I figured I'd ask just in case. I've never used a resize mod before and wanted to make sure. Thanks!
  10. Anyone have issues with Tweakscale and GPP (at 10.6 size)? Every time I tweak an engine's size...bad, bad things happen. And by bad I mean REALLY bad. This is what happens every time I change the size of an engine. Though, to note before you watch, this was done on an old version of KSP with different mods and in no way related to what's happening on GPP. Though the cause of THAT particular failure was tweakscaling the nose cones. It was always the nose cones. This is about four installations and rounds of mods later that I'm having engine issues.
  11. I might need to give that a try. I'm still trying to work on the best mods for GPP at full-scale and it's...actually pretty tough. I've crashed CKAN or my game more times than I've successfully loaded it That being said, if anyone out there has a 10.6 GPP mod pack they use in CKAN that works well (including real plume, mechjeb, hyperedit, and all graphical upgrades) that is stable , feel free to send it to me. I'm loving this so far but I'm getting frustrated trying (and failing) so often. I've got a good load now, but it could always be better!
  12. Thanks for the advice on that, glad to know it's easy to do. And yeah, every time I change a mod I always nuke my save files. Learned that one the hard way... I will explore SMURF/STU @danfarnsy Are you using CKAN for your mods? If you are, let me know when you are happy with the results and export your .ckan I will take Jade's advice for now and mess around with SMURFF, but..which mod is SSTU? Is that one of the stock terrain mods? If you want to see what I'm using I can send you the file as well. Thanks! EDIT: I'm on the most current version of KSP right now, if that matters.
  13. Hey! I just gave this installation a go for a new Kerbal experience. I have a question about the size/scaling. Right now I have Sigma Dimensions installed and the rescale 10.625. I haven't ever played with a 'real scale' mode in KSP before and thought this would be a fun way to do it. But if I find it's too difficult or too time consuming, do I just need to uninstall 10.6 from CKAN and leave Sigma installed in case I want to go back? I did not see a 'stock size' in the rescale and I'm not sure if getting rid of Sigma would break my game (I don't mean save files-I know to delete those when switching mods). Let me know what I should do if/when I want to go back to Kerbal size. Also, if anyone has fun mod suggestions that go with a the 10.6 size system (I'm using real fuels and a few other mod bits, but if there is anything specific I'd love to hear about it). Thanks!
  14. @The White Guardian is almost finished with the latest batch of updates. I'm going to begin a new career mode series on Twitch soon with the sole aim of reaching Disparia and doing some lovely science. Because Kerbals love science almost as much as they love pudding. And explosions.
  15. Couldn't agree more. I think TWG definitely needs a round of applause (or as the Kerbals would give, a round of apple sauce) for all his hard work. I just wrote the science definitions for one moon of one planet and that came to 13,000 words of hard work. I can't imagine how much it has taken to create the entire system. I haven't been streaming any of his work lately because I've been working on the science and allowing him to update it (I've been working on my second book during the lull). But I'm excited to get back to it and for everyone else to try. Keep in mind you can at least download Cerillion through CKAN before Evolution is finished (and I would highly recommend doing so, and doing science there...it will be worth it!).
  16. Definitely not dead. @The White Guardian and I have been working on it. I just finished up writing science definitions for Cerillion's moon, Disparia. As soon as he finishes adding all of that I'm going to start a career-mode stream series and it should be available to everyone around the same time
  17. Yeah, Jeb's kicked out of 4 modded planets, 2 moons, the space around the north pole, and 14 asteroids. But that's okay, he's the face of the premiere breakfast pudding cup, Kerblies, so it balances out.
  18. Best of all, these eggs aren't smelly! Though you do need to watch outfor Jeb thinking all easter eggs are edible (that head on Duna will never be the same).
  19. Hey everyone...and for those of you in the US (or just prone to celebrating) happy 4th of July weekend! Over the past months I have been playing KSP daily. I have been using CKAN to mess around with dozens of mods, and most notably I have been helping @The White Guardian beta test his massive Evolution mod TWG is making a massive overhaul of Evo, so I thought this would be a good time to unisntall everything, update KSP to 1.3, pick some new mods for the future (I want a very simulation-like experience with life support, stage recovery, and failures etc). So I uninstalled and deleted everything and then reinstalled KSP and CKAN. Every time I do that and go to play the game stutters terribly. I can go up to a minute without one, but sometimes it pauses for three seconds every 10 seconds. I did free flight the other day and it was less common, but on my career mode every time I tried to do some SCIENCE! it paused, thought about it, then eventually decided to go ahead. But that was for every experiment. It basically made it a science slideshow. Is there anyone here that has any idea what could be causing this or that can help me fix it? It's not my PC, let me say that (6700K, GTX 1070, 32GB ram, SSD) as it never did this before anyway. I have a very long list of mods, but it's not more robust than it was necessarily. Let me know if anyone has suggestions or can help me with this. I would be happy to provide a mod list if necessary. Thanks! EDIT: forgot to mention I've uninstalled and reinstalled several times and it still happens. It also happened with stock planets and another planet pack.
  20. @The White Guardian and @...everyone else I suppose, I was testing Evolution on 1.2. Since the release of 1.3 I decided it would be a good time to switch a few mods (since my Evo file was not tied to CKAN). As of now I'm going through a large list of mods and seeing what I like. The goal is to make a more simulation-focused game and stream in the future, using life support mods and things similar to that. This is will fit in perfectly with the Science being added to Evolution. That being said, I'm getting some really strange glitches on my game right now. The biggest problem is constant frame stuttering (that I've never, ever had). So there will be no KSP streams this week as I figure out what's causing the problems. Once I get everything sorted I will reinstall Evo and continue (without science) until the new updates are ready. If anyone has any questions let me know. Also, take a look at the page and let me know of any planets/moons/missions you'd like to see! Thanks everyone.
  21. And so Jeb stood, looking out beyond the sea of blood and saw the emptiness of the sky, a horizon that held naught. Alone he stood, a lifetime from home, watching civilization pass before his eyes, nothing more than a lifeless speck of sand somewhere in the barren sky. In the wasteland of the universe, at the extremity of perception and existence, he wondered... "Did I bring enough pudding cups for the trip home?"
  22. No worries on not making it today, totally understand. Let me know when you have the updates for me to install and we can science the crap out of Aryll. Maybe Jade's sacrifice was all worth it in the end...banjo music AND science! We will try to make it to Zeki after I put Jade on Aryll.
  23. @The White Guardian @JadeOfMaar and I suppose @everyonewholikesEvolution It's looking like I will have a chance to stream tomorrow (regular time, but check twitter for updates) and I thought I would open up the mission ideas and testing to anyone and everyone who watches. Guardian, since we are showing off the mod and testing it, I figured the best way to do so was to just try a bit of everything. So for tomorrow's stream I'm going to have everyone pick a planet, then pick a moon of said planet (or just the planet itself), and we will launch a chat-created kerbal to the chosen location (Jade, no promises Jade Kerman ever makes it home...possibly RIP little buddy, RIP).On my own I sent a quick probe to one of the inner planet's moons (pictures above) and it was a lovely and quick adventure. I figure we can do a bit of a voting thing with everyone watching, if that sounds good? I've got a few ships pre-built that can cover just about any distance, so it will mostly be mission oriented. We might be able to see a couple within an hour or two. Let me know your thoughts, same goes to anyone here who is interested in seeing more of Evolution!
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