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  1. So I was just playing KSP when the computer crashed. I rebooted it, and when I tried to load the save that I was playing on, this came up: [Exception: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object] and the save didn't load. The other ones do. This is what the files look like for the save. I don't think any of these should affect it, but I am going to put them here just in case they do. Mod list: Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  2. Recently I was wondering why there were such fierce performance problems on my PC build. I started the game with a profiler and to my horror saw an absurdly huge number of calls to create a GPU device in DirectX 11. This is very similar to the bug and the main reason for the fps drop on my build: RTX 3080 i7-7820 64gb ram It looks very much like the game is trying to recreate the GPU device every frame. If you believe third-party sources regarding such a problem, then this is a bug directly with DirectX 11, probably related to an error in the execution of some shader. Screenshot from Vtune Profiler: https://imgur.com/a/yGEkXrE
  3. I recently found out that other players seem to have “Green effect “ on objects when their mouse move on top of them in hanger, but mine doesn’t have the effect and that let it harder to select the item I want to. Is this a bug or is there a switch to turn that back on?
  4. To celebrate our 10th Anniversary, we’ve scattered several easter eggs throughout the solar system in the 1.12 PC update. Throughout the next week we’ll be posting hints on where five (5) of these easter eggs can be located, and we’re challenging you to embark on a mission to find them all! To successfully participate in this contest, you’ll need to: Have the 1.12 PC update installed, then log in to Kerbal Space Program to find the five hidden “easter eggs” throughout the game. Keep an eye on our social media posts on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. We’ll post a total of five (5) #KSP10egghunt hints on which easter eggs you’ll need to find and where you’ll find them. Reply to this post with a screenshot* (or link to the screenshot) containing the easter egg you found along with a Kerbal and your unique custom flag. Instructions on how to make a custom flag can be found HERE. *Please mark your screenshots as spoilers. Your screenshot(s) should look something like this: As the contest progresses, edit your original post to include any additional easter eggs that you’ve found. Each post containing an easter egg, Kerbal and unique flag will receive one (1) entry into the Sweepstakes for a total of five (5) entries per person/account throughout the Sweepstakes Period. You have until July 2nd to submit your entries. Winners will be selected in a random drawing from all eligible entries received, and will be announced on July 5th. Twenty (20) random entrants will each receive one (1) Jeb squishy! Good luck, and let the hunt begin! NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. MUST BE AT LEAST 13 YEARS OF AGE. CONTEST BEGINS AT 9:00 AM PT ON JUNE 25, 2021 AND ENDS AT 11:59 PM PT ON JULY 2, 2021. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED SUBJECT TO THE OFFICIAL RULES LOCATED AT http://bit.ly/ksp10egghuntrules
  5. This is something i thought of a bit. It would be nice if KSP2 would be free for the first 24 hours of it's release. Then after that time, they can set the intended price of the product. It wouldn't hurt, right? I would really appreciate the work, if Kerbal Space Program 2 Would have a demo, just like KSP1, which is gone. Can't seem to find it, because it brings some good memories before the purchase. It just feels different, would be really appreciated. . What do you think about it? The most important question here I guess would be the minimum system requirements. I'm a bit anxious about the visuals, they are so stunning, that I know the game will stutter each 3 seconds. The question is, will the game have advance graphics settings? Like tweak the terrain texture mesh, increase or decrease the level of detail, OFF, STATIC, REALTIME reflections. I just want more graphics customization, because i know my PC will struggle to run this. I gotta pray for my computer not to explode lol rip. I think that's it. I will add more questions to disccuss on this thread later.
  6. I am not exactly sure where to put this thread, so if it is not in the correct forum section the moderators will move it (Sorry to make more work for you!) I just want to know how to install KSP without steam because I am soon switching over to a different computer, and I have heard that it is best to play modded KSP without going through Steam. Can you tell me how to do it, or where to go to to find instructions?
  7. Hello, I was wondering what the best possible computer setup for ops would be. Even though there are other threads about this, but they refer to the older version game. So just wondering about the newer version of the game. 1.3 and up
  8. My KSP 1.11.1 is crashing. I did a new installation of ksp for mods, installed all the mods I wanted via CKAN and the game started to crash, here is the KSP LOG: https://www.mediafire.com/file/rqsi91o3y5jd8s4/KSP.log/file
  9. prpretty self explanatory from the video, any idea what could be causing this and solutions to the issue? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/295199794102796288/794310947475947560/Kerbal_Space_Program_2020-12-30_14-05-57_Trim.mp4 (video of issue)
  10. My Environmental Visual Enhancements mod does not seem to have an effect on the visual display of Kerbin or any other planets otherwise affected by EVE. All of my visual mods are up-to-date (1.10-1.11, as not all mods are updated to 1.11). Here's my Gamedata folder: The EVE icon is displayed while in-game, but upon opening complains about not having a config for certain visual mods on EVE. Now the main solution would be to download the configuration files from the EVE download page, but the only thing they have is the source code, with the following message "Note that the Config files have not changed in this release - you do not need to update them if you already have these or another config.". Here's an example of the config error: (The same error message is displayed when in a different category, but instead of "EVE_SHADOWS{}", it is replaced with whatever category it is in. (ex: "EVE_CLOUDS{}" for the cloud and atmosphere category). For the last image, here's what the actual problem is: (it appears as though EVE doesn't even have any affect on Kerbin at all). So my question is: Does anybody else have this problem, or a solution to it? And I also ask if EVE Redux is a working mod that functions as intended (that won't also have this problem)
  11. This question is pretty simple, but how will consoles behave with multiplayer? Will they be cross compatible with other consoles and pc players, will they have full multiplayer but limited to other users of the same console. Will they have limited multiplayer (for example only co-op, no servers?)
  12. 194 degrees fahrenheit for the americans out there, my i was launching the first part of the space station into orbit when i suddenly noticed that my pc fans started to ramp up and i mean REALLY ramp up, it got so bad that it hit 100% fan speed and now it started to sound lke a jet engine, i checked the temps and JESUS CHRIST 90 DEGREES?!?!?!? i immediately pressed alt f4 to close down my game and turned off my pc to let it cool down, it never hits this high whilst playing this game its not even that demanding, by the way i have graphics cranked all the way to the lowest setting, can anyone help me?
  13. I have tried installing B9 procedural wings on my ksp 1.8.1, but it keeps stopping at "verifying expansion: breaking grounds. I have had b9 aerospace before b9 procedural wings, and it worked fine. now, with b9 procedural wings uninstalled, it isnt working, and i am getting the same error. has anyone encountered this/know a solution to this? seeing as most of the crafts from kerbalx that I like have this mod, it would be great if it worked.
  14. For me, playing KSP is a whole lot easier when you can pilot your craft with proportional controls, like a joystick. I came back to KSP after a while today and I realized that I have some controllers (xbox one controllers) I can use, but the default control mappings are not what I want them to be. I want to set it up so i control my craft like an RC plane (throttle/yaw on left stick, pitch/roll on right stick) cause I'm very used to flying RC planes. But the default mapping is all wack, and it isn't proportional control (all maneuvering inputs are mapped to proportional inputs but they all behave like pressing a key on the keyboard). Is there a way I could override the OG controller mappings and set up my controller as a joystick?
  15. hi guys it is a plan to solve the hanging and lag problems on ksp for pc In my pc [windows 7] when we open the ksp it works normally for a time but it starts to hang and it will come to desktop. What i can do?
  16. I have read that there is a trim function in KSP with Alt + W, S, A, D key combos. I am currently using an Xbox controller in my PC for KSP and I would like to map at least pitch trim somewhere (e.g. in the D-pad), but I cannot find it in the Input settings area. Also, in KSP somehow the D-pad is identified as two axes instead of four buttons, which is a limitation. Can this be changed? Any help would be welcome!
  17. After looking in to the internet, I couldn't find any info of what is a good CPU performance in KSP (measured in parts). I just want to know whats the limit of parts your CPU can handle until your timer becomes yellow.
  18. Hello, It is simply not possible that the game can only be played in English. Even the console version does not yet have a German language! If you release a console version and want to reach new players who have never played KSP before and don't know much about space travel, then you don't know English well and are overwhelmed with technical terms in a foreign language, then a excrementsstorm can be triggered very quickly. Especially if the game still has bugs that you have to find before the release. Why doesn't Squad get a German or other language into the game? Even Stardew Valley, developed by a developer, is available in many languages. Even in German! KSP has been around for five years and the most important languages are still not in play! This is just embarrassing! I strongly assumed that the console versions are finally playable in German. In the Developer Blog this was announced also largely. I'm just disappointed about this development at Squad. That's why I didn't buy the game on PS4. Only if it will include the German language. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator
  19. S.A.S. Issues... Everubody knows that in versions 1.3.0 and downwards there is a major glitch, one that everybody dreads... the famous S.A.S. Wobble glitch that occurs when you have too tall of a rocket. I was just wondering has this been fixed (because I have not played on K.S.P. 1.3.1 due to a broken computer, you can see my other post if you have knolage about building pc’s)? And if it has not been fixed, how do you get around the glitch, I found that if you put something to control your rocket closest to the engines than it will fix the glitch, but that is expensive, inconvenient, and it makes K.S.P. Rocketry harder than it needs to be. So: P.C. Question form/post Is there a way to fix the S.A.S. wobble glitch that occurs for tall rockets without adding a control point near the engines?
  20. I frequently find myself thinking how nice it would be if I could play at a You-tuber's playback speed, everything smooth, nearly 1second of game time to 1 second of Real time. If I had a vastly superior laptop, maybe I could get close. But then, I wonder what the "average" time to orbit is for the average KSP'er? So I thought I'd see if we can gather some data. If you're so inclined, build a simple 30-part count rocket and get into LKO, without using science parts to pad the total. The number of mods people are running with actually isn't relevant to this poll, for the data I am curious about is psychological. If someone is playing and the time to orbit is unacceptable, they stop playing, so this information will reveal the "environment" that most people play at; what the 'average' user finds acceptable. A more sophisticated experiment would use identical rockets and mods, but that is not the data I am curious about. How long does it take you to get to orbit? That will reveal the compromises you have accepted to play KSP the way you want!
  21. Hi, I attempted to use RO so I downgraded to KSP 1.2 and that was all fun and games but today I tried to switch back to 1.3 it doesn't work and stays on 1.2, but when I uninstall the game and reinstall it goes back to 1.2. If anyone knows how to fix this please help me. Im running Windows 10
  22. I am wondering how to use my PS4 controller to play KSP on pc
  23. Hey everyone...and for those of you in the US (or just prone to celebrating) happy 4th of July weekend! Over the past months I have been playing KSP daily. I have been using CKAN to mess around with dozens of mods, and most notably I have been helping @The White Guardian beta test his massive Evolution mod TWG is making a massive overhaul of Evo, so I thought this would be a good time to unisntall everything, update KSP to 1.3, pick some new mods for the future (I want a very simulation-like experience with life support, stage recovery, and failures etc). So I uninstalled and deleted everything and then reinstalled KSP and CKAN. Every time I do that and go to play the game stutters terribly. I can go up to a minute without one, but sometimes it pauses for three seconds every 10 seconds. I did free flight the other day and it was less common, but on my career mode every time I tried to do some SCIENCE! it paused, thought about it, then eventually decided to go ahead. But that was for every experiment. It basically made it a science slideshow. Is there anyone here that has any idea what could be causing this or that can help me fix it? It's not my PC, let me say that (6700K, GTX 1070, 32GB ram, SSD) as it never did this before anyway. I have a very long list of mods, but it's not more robust than it was necessarily. Let me know if anyone has suggestions or can help me with this. I would be happy to provide a mod list if necessary. Thanks! EDIT: forgot to mention I've uninstalled and reinstalled several times and it still happens. It also happened with stock planets and another planet pack.
  24. My game is covered in mysterious lines and screenshots are entirely incoherent Behold! http://imgur.com/a/x01CT
  25. After a watching youtube videos of KSP i decided to buy the game, now i have been playing it like crazy and it is really fun, but every i do a big timewarp (100x and bigger) the stage lock goes on, i´ve tried all of the suggestions Alt-l ( i have not changed the keyboard settings ), quicksave and reload, go to the space center and back, close and open the game. The stage lock is then permanently on, it is really annoying because i have to redo the mission entirely just to get same problem again and it has made the game unplayable. The problem is in all the gamemodes
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