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Found 2 results

  1. I am hoping someone on this forum has had this issue and found a fix for it. I am using KSP 1.10.1 and running with all the expansions along with some mods, but I have had this issue for several versions for the last year or so. I will be playing the game for a various amount of time and usually shortly after launching a vehicle the game will freeze and I will get an error with the message "unexpected mark stack overflow" then a pop up window with a kerbal pictured and once the loading bar reaches 100% the game will force exit. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game and removed mods but nothing seems to fix this issue. Sometimes I can play the game for hours and not have any issues, but other times it happens within ten minutes. Is there any way to fix this issue and/or does anyone know if the Devs are working on this issue? If there is more info that may help in trying to fix this issue or you are facing this issue please comment below.
  2. 194 degrees fahrenheit for the americans out there, my i was launching the first part of the space station into orbit when i suddenly noticed that my pc fans started to ramp up and i mean REALLY ramp up, it got so bad that it hit 100% fan speed and now it started to sound lke a jet engine, i checked the temps and JESUS CHRIST 90 DEGREES?!?!?!? i immediately pressed alt f4 to close down my game and turned off my pc to let it cool down, it never hits this high whilst playing this game its not even that demanding, by the way i have graphics cranked all the way to the lowest setting, can anyone help me?
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