Hi, new ship with only MK4 and stock parts
Same issue, same steps to reproduce, get in to an 80km stable orbit (fly 10 degrees pg till 80km, circularise etc), drop periapsis to 50k,
keep nose up 35 - 50 degrees on reentry (this ship is much easier to control and very stable so should be no problem)
Seems like the plot thickens a little, the issue appears to be an interaction between the service bay and the drone core being next to each other,
I built 5 versions of the ship in slightly different configurations:
1) Drone core behind cockpit, no service bay: Ship is fine, no issues
2) Cockpit, drone core, service bay: Cockpit overheats a little on assent, overheats and explodes on reentry.
3) Cockpit, service bay, drone core: Cockpit overheats to almost destruction on reentry (I may have just been lucky with my profile or maybe there is slightly less
overheating this way round)
4) Cockpit, drone core, fuel tank, service bay: Ship is fine, no overheating
5) Cockpit, service bay no drone core: Ship is fine.
So the issue appears to be when the drone core and service bay are next to each other in the stack, I have not tried putting them elsewhere in the stack together as frankly I have
work tomorrow and didn't have time! That said I doubt it would show anything as it is the front of the craft that gets hottest on reentry.
As far as I recall form an old design the same thing happens with the thunderhawk cockpit too, for ages I thought I just sucked at reentry!
Thanks again for all your great work :-) :-)
Link to craft files and pics : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/thdtra3228pc789/AADtZMaBiFOvibPiGdxczPcPa?dl=0