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Everything posted by EnderCrafter78

  1. I am trying to install the BD Armory mod, but it can't load the vulkan cannon. Mods used: BD Armory., PysicsRangeExtender. 1.21_09042021 and ModuleManager-4.2.2 To fix this I tried: deleting and reinstalling BD Armory, moving the BDArmory.dll file into Gamedata/BDArmory/Plugins (it was already there) and launching KSP through the private division launcher instead of directly through the KSP_64.exe. I've also removed BD Armory to make sure that PhysicsRangeExtender and ModuleManager are working properly. I am out of ideas. Is this a common issue and is there a solution to this?
  2. Thank you that helped a lot. I just wait until they fix it. (I'm sorry to everyone, for spamming Mod threads to this topic)
  3. Here is my current NKD status with addons (I tried diffrent versions so don't wonder why you see mods and addons wich doesn't work together) - NKD for BD-Amory version - BD-Amory version (tried: - CAL version 0.2.3 I have no other gamechanging mods installed, just hyperedit and some visual mods (Scatterer, Planetshine,...) I hope this will help someone
  4. Please help (I'm the guy with the nuke problem), the link you posted is deactivated. Please reactivate it.

    1. Jas0n


      That link isn't mine, I just found it in the mod thread. At this point, I think you should ask on the mod thread. From what I could tell, the op isn't actively maintaining the mod anymore. Spannermonkey made a fix for it but the dropbox link died. Someone else already pointed that out on the thread so Spannermonkey should fix it once he sees. 

      Also, I advice you to stop making new threads on the same problem, because others with less patience might get annoyed.

  5. Hi KSP players, this is my 3th thread to this topic because I didn't get a clear answer. I have some problems with that nuke mod (hope I wrote it correcly). The problem is that the bombs show up in the VAB and the SPH but when I drop the bombs they just explode like any other parts. I read another post of it but I didn't understand what they mean (English isn't my first language by the way). Could someone help me who knows about this mod or has a solution?
  6. Thanks for the help but I don't have any mods installed. Just some visual mods and hyper edit. I don't think this cause the problem.
  7. Hi other KSP players, I have some problems with Kerbal Northern Weaponry. I installed the mod and the parts shows up in the VAB and SPH (for some reason twice times. In the Utility tag and the BD amory tag). But when I drop the bomb, the explode like any other part without completly destruction. Could someone help me or send me a link to another post wich answer this question?
  8. Hello other KSP players, I have some Problems with the nuke mod. I installed it correctly (I think) and the parts shows up in the VAB. But when I drop the bomb it just explodes like any other part without any deadly destruction. Could someone help me, please?
  9. Can someone tell me what visual mods i should install for ksp. I installed scatterer, kerbal visual enchancement, distantobject an planet shine but i dont know what they exactly do (exept scatterer) and I want these cool and realistic looking planets. It would be great if someone help me.
  10. I may have to dissapoint you but it's not a Vtol. The boosters are for getting forward speed for the Arkbird. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3d-TFp1xbmZRHp0dDAwMWZWRzg
  11. Thank you @Cunjo Carl that helped a lot. I finished the Arkbird and want to share it with you. Could you tell me how to put files in here? The Arkbird comes with: - 16 main engines both sides - 6 boosters - 510 Parts - 261 tons - really low framerate
  12. Thanks for you help and yes fearless son, thats the plane. I saw this multiple engines at youtube. David Nielsen build the F-16 with stock parts and he had the same problem.
  13. I,m building the Arkbird in KSP but no engine has so much power to lift the plane. My idea was to place multiple engines at one attachment point (these green dots at the flat side of fuel tanks for example). Does someone know if that is possible and how I'm doing that. (Sorry for my english, greetings from Germany)
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