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Everything posted by TinMissileMan

  1. By "Mün landing capable" does it have to be the SSTO that lands or can the payload undock, land, and re-dock?
  2. If any of you saw, almost a year has gone by since my failed attempt to land a massive stage on the Mun for a concert. Here's a link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86390-The-Dark-Side-of-The-Mun-Concert-Extravaganza?p=1276116#post1276116 After 1.0 came out, I got to thinking: "Could I do it again?". The answer: HECK YES! And so I got to work. Looking up stages and finding one small, but capable of landing without flopping over like an unbalanced whale on a rocket sled. And so, I designed this baby: It (hopefully) could get to the Mun. So, I put it on the launch pad without ANY testing whatsoever! It flew like a dream... for the first few thousand meters... and it started tipping... But, after some panicking and key-mashing later, I got her back on course. Some circularized orbits and a maneuver later... Fancy that! When the ship reached Munar orbit, I was still worried about fuel. I had about 160 units left after obtaining stable orbit. I'll see you on The Dark Side of the Mun! To victory! Or a crash. Maybe a crash. And I thought the ring tanks were connected to the engine. Hah! How silly of me. Almost unbalanced the craft transferring the fuel from the rings to the main tank. This is where I thought I had messed up. I ran out of oxidizer just 200-300 meters above the landing sight, I hit at about 20 mps. Thankfully, the engine saved my struts by exploding. But, I had achieved a feat I would never have thought I could do when I first did it. Bonus! The stage at night looks pretty. So, there we go! A stage on the Mun ready for the concert! Now all I have to do is learn how to land close to it...
  3. I can get those sometime later today, I've got some stuff to do.
  4. I decided to test the Kerbal head bounce from high altitude glitch. It still works, so I bail out another Kerbal from a Steerwing A300 plane. After she landed, safe and sound, the game decided to bug out and make Kerbin, it's moons, the planets, and everything else disappear. So, I created a new save, but there was no effect. I have not tried quitting the game and re-entering yet, but until tomorrow, I cannot test that. If anyone knows what this bug is, please help. Thank you.
  5. Welcome to the Community! Love your choice in music, too!
  6. Ever since a small, black disk floated into Kerbin's orbit, Kerbals all over the planet have been listening to "The Dark Side of The Mun" (Mun was misspelled as "moon" when found originally). Kerbals wanted it live, but not on Kerbin. Concerts on Kerbin are boring and have gravity. Kerbal Engineers got right to work on the new "Munar Concert Stage" shown below. The only problem was how this would make it. It was (thought at the time before launch) unbalanced. Here's the journey. At the pad. I decided for a direct descent to the Mun to save fuel (if it does). Liftoff! Much more stable than I thought it would be. After separation of the SRBs, they hit the main lifter (oops). After gravity turn. Main lifter stage is gone! Munar trajectory. Silly game, I have an encounter... Much better. In orbit. I had wasted precious fuel about 30 seconds before orbital insertion due to the fact I had no idea my Navball was upside down. I was burning prograde instead of retrograde. Low on fuel...hope I can pull this off. Lol, floating strut connectors. Almost out of fuel...Please last the less than 9000 meters to go! You were supposed to separate booster! Not good. The mission is over... ...and engine to the rescue! It just rolled along for the next few pictures. I attempt to flip it over by firing into the ground and skidding across the Munar surface. Oh... Well then...no more lights... Almost got it... And it's down! But not useful for the show... Remainder of the lights on at night. Stay tuned for the next variant of the Munar Concert Stage in the great attempt to old a concert on the Dark Side of the Mun...
  7. Two of my favorite things combined into one: Pink Floyd and KSP. Definitely attempting this.
  8. Back in .16, I had a lot of elliptical debris from my (very nooby and inefficient) Mun lander. I have seen debris come from 2000km-600km. But never an impact.
  9. Make a bus you can load up with 12 Kerbals so you can make rotational stays on the station. Take it up with Kerbals in it and switch the occupants.
  10. Mechjeb and I had that issue back in .20 while I was building my Mun Base. Lag after a transfer burn, a maneuver node somewhere in the universe that I would reach in 300 some days, etc.
  11. The thing that convinced me to buy the game last year was Scott Manley.
  12. I send the stupidest ones (I call those ones "The Interns") on test missions. I also got a Billy-Boblorf Kerman.
  13. You mean he can't be hired or he isn't on the assignable side?
  14. Just a quick question that might be overly asked but, are mods that are labeled [0.20] compatible with 0.20.2?
  15. I go with stock parts and some mod parts (like Deep Space Mission Pack, MechJeb, small part packs, etc.) I'll use the occasional plugin sometimes.
  16. I rescued lone Dudrod Kerman from a highly eccentric orbit around Kerbin with my Remuais (pronounced Rea-mwah) craft. Rendezvous with the craft, kill the velocity relative to the target and EVA both kerbals into one of those Hitch-joker things.
  17. Totally WAY beyond my framerate and skill. I'll try a massive, must be constructed in orbit thing tomorrow and post it (if I can even manage it).
  18. I think you are right. One LV-909 consumes less fuel that 2 LV-N's. LV-909's are also lighter than LV-N's by a lot. I guess more of a large rocket would do. Or a tug of sorts.
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