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Posts posted by Jesusthebird

  1. 10 minutes ago, Foozle said:

    I am on a mac.  The issue isn't that I don't have enough RAM-- I have 32GB.  The problem is that KSP becomes sluggish after it grows to 9GB or so regardless of how much extra RAM is available.

    So when I talk about saving memory I'm talking about keeping it below 8-9GB to preserve game performance, not how much RAM my system has.

    The method I described (image file size reduction) should work on windows, but that does come at the cost of reduced texture quality.  It's a trade-off.

    yes I understand what youre saying. thats exactly what i want to try. as of the last few days, ive hit a wall on preformance and game stability. As mentioned by a previous member, the trash cleanup freezes got very frequent and to retain game stability, i had to remove Konstructs and Kerbside as im guessing those two take a large amount of resources to use.


    i only have 16gb Ram. with 10 of it being used on game startup. so im thinking your method may benifit me? i just dont know how to do it. Do you make the game dir a disk image that you virtually mount to play? just poking guesses now

    edit: im perfectly fine with the texture quality hit on parts, would it reduce the quality of the world rendering as well?(say I use Astonomer visual pack and eve in combo?

  2. On 11/12/2017 at 4:50 PM, Foozle said:

    Both, really, since high memory usage ends up degrading performance in KSP.
    Especially those pesky garbage collection freezes...

    are you using a windows machine by chance? I would like to figure out a way to  do this on windows. maybe just some sort of zip compression maybe?

  3. interesting about the file reduction method. is that just to save space or does that help optimize performance as well with some sort of quality trade off?


    Im actually using 1.3.1. since most of the mods I use dont seem to have a problem with it. when I went through a clean install I was having a serious problem figuring out what mod was crashing my game. Turns out, most of the mods works perfectly from a 1.3 release standpoint(any 1.3 mods are mostly parts packs and maybe a few that add game features...but FilterExtentions of all things lol....as soon as a I removed that, everything fell into place. Ive kept most configs stock from download. as im not too proficient in coding or programming. I can edit a basic txt config file and thats about it lol. otherwise, im living off the trust of how the mod maker releases it for everybody. I can follow forums instructions decently enough, got ~100 installed already :P


    What I currently have working in 1.3.1


    KSP: 1.3.1 (Win64) - Unity: 5.4.0p4 - OS: Windows 10  (10.0.0) 64bit
    000_AT_Utils - 1.5
    Toolbar - 1.7.15
    Zero-Point Inline Fairings - 1.0.2
    Animated Decouplers - 1.3.4
    Astronomer's Visual Pack - 3.6.2
    B9 Animation Modules - 1.1
    B9 Aerospace - 6.4
    B9 Aerospace - 6.4
    B9 Aerospace HX Parts - 6.4
    B9 Aerospace Legacy Parts - 6.4
    B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts - 0.40.13
    BD Animation Modules -
    Basic DeltaV -
    Basic Orbit -
    Chatterer Extended - 0.6.1
    Chatterer -
    Community Category Kit - 2.0.2
    Community Resource Pack - 0.8
    CommunityTechTree - 3.2.1
    ConfigurableContainers -
    Connected Living Space -
    Corvus CF -
    Community Terrain Texture Pack - 1.0.1
    DistantObjectEnhancement - 1.9.1
    DynamicBatteryStorage - 1.1.1
    Easy Vessel Switch - 1.5.6471.31118
    EVAEnhancementsContinued - 0.1.12
    EVA Struts -
    Extraplanetary Launchpads - 5.9
    Ferram Aerospace Research -
    Firespitter - 7.6
    FShangarExtender - 3.5.2
    Fuel Tanks Plus - 1.12.1
    GroundConstruction - 1.2.1
    Hangar - 3.3.3
    HideEmptyTechTreeNodes - 1.0.1
    IntegratedStackDecouplers - 0.1.3
    Interstellar Fuel Switch - 2.10.1
    JanitorsCloset - 0.3.3
    K2CommandPodContinued -
    RasterPropMonitor - 0.29.2
    Kerbal Attachment System - 0.6.3
    Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 3.3.3
    HyperEdit - 1.5.4
    InlineBallutes - 1.2.8
    Kerbal Inventory System - 1.7.6468.41490
    <b><color=#CA7B3C>Kopernicus</color></b> -
    KSP-AVC Plugin -
    KSPWheel -
    KWRocketryRebalanced - 3.2.3
    XT Landertron - 1.1
    LoadingScreenManager - 1.2.1
    M-ISPx2 - 0.0.1
    Infernal Robots - 2.0.14
    Maeneuver Node Evolved -
    MarkIVSystem - 2.4
    Modular Rocket Systems - 1.13.1
    ModularFlightIntegrator - 1.2.4
    Docking Port Alignment Indicator - 6.7
    NearFutureConstruction - 0.8.4
    NearFutureElectrical - 0.9.7
    NearFutureLaunchVehicles - 1.1.3
    NearFutureProps - 0.2
    NearFuturePropulsion - 0.9.5
    NearFutureSolar - 0.8.7
    NearFutureSpacecraft - 0.7.4
    EVAHandrailsPackContinued -
    NE-KEES -
    NE-Kemini -
    NE-KLS -
    NE-MPP -
    NE-Common -
    NE-OMS -
    Final Frontier -
    OPT Legacy Spaceplane Parts - 1.0.9
    Kerbal Planetary Base Systems - 1.5.7
    PlanetShine -
    Mk2.5 Spaceplane Parts -
    ReentryParticleEffect -
    RetractableLiftingSurface - 0.1.5
    Real Scale Sea Dragon - 0.3.4
    Simple Adjustable Fairings - Plugin - 1.0.1
    Simple Adjustable Fairings - KW Rocketry Pack - 1.0.1
    SpaceY Expanded - 1.3.1
    SpaceY Lifters - 1.16
    StationPartsExpansion - 0.5.2
    StreamlineEnginesTanks - 1.1
    Surface Mounted Stock-Alike Lights for Self-Illumination - 1.6.6484.37549
    TAC Fuel Balancer - 2.14
    TakeCommandContinued -
    TextureReplacerReplaced - 0.5.1
    ThrottleControlledAvionics - 3.5
    TRP-Hire -
    TweakScale - 2.3.7
    Universal Storage -
    EVAParachutesAndEjectionSeats - 0.1.15
    VenStockRevamp - 1.9.5


  4. I'm not sure if I just suck at googling as of late..but if I'm the first so be it. I've been trying to figure out how to give suggestions to the mod community. I don't have many and I started this thread only thinking about one in particular. But if there isn't any other place, id like this to be a place where players can give their ideas, some may be extravagant, some small and practical. but I've always wondered how all these mods get created without some central brainstorming type area. I could plead to ksp devs themselves, but this seems more promising.


    If I'm in the wrong place, please kindly point me in the right direction and ill repost there, or a mod can just move this..to there, thanks.


    Anyways lets get it started.


    Suggestion: (Asparagus style?) [3/4/6/8]Multipoint Struts

    Reason: structural integrity/rigidity

    Practicality: (-)part count, stockalike?

    Balancing: scale weight based on number of connection points (3 point= 1.5x weight, 4 point= 2x weight, etc, etc)

    Idea Summary: a few extra stock alike strut parts. placing large amounts of aerodynamic wings or engines in symmetry, requires many struts sometimes. this will help ease the part count, and prevent your wings from doing the "dragonfly wing effect" as id like to call it when trying to fly without ship rigidity. googling dragon fly slo mo videos will help you understand my analogy if you dont already. :cool:.



  5. Im not sure if this belongs in general discussion or not. But considering the idea...may be a good challenge.


    Ive been pondering the last few days how to make docking a bit easier for myself personally. Ive seen a few videos on how to do the hohmann manuver. Im new to ksp and even tho i havnt actually successfully docked to anything yet. Still practicing. But then i had an idea. What if i dont have to get that close...what if it can get close to me?? So..i sat there in build mode for a few hours and came up with a rough design. Please bear with me as i forgot to save a screenshot.


    Top to bottom design

    Main fuel and nerv engine in X4 radial format around another fuel canister. 

    KAS wench(not the disk shaped one)

    Wench connecter port(reversed)

    Command pod

    Disk battery

    Xeon gas tank

    Xeon gas engine.


    Very large lq/ox tank

    Engine to match

    Radial decoupled tank/engine combo




    Staging happening in reverse order of course except that i would shut off the xeon gas engine during orbit stage. As i dont need it for obtaining a stable orbit. Once im in a stable orbit i can decouple the large engines and test..lol


    I made the oops of putting my solar panels in the way of the thrust outputs of my nervs...lol ill remember that. Anyways..i had plenty of power to test. The goal was to extend the wench. Lowering the command pod away from the nerv engines. Then preform a manuver!! 


    So i bet youre thinking...this didnt end well. And you are so right. I did successfully lower my command pod. However my root part(camera focus it seems) was the center fuel storage. So even tho i can command of the pod...i couldnt really see what i was doing and it didnt seem to react to rcs commands. Another oops. So, on to the manuver..since i couldnt control the pod like i was controlling the top...i got my engines into positions and hit the gas. I was thinking id be thrown off course a bit..but the engines would eventually pull the pod along a more and more linear path...nope...i started to pinwheel!! Poor Bob..im sure he must have used 1000 puke bags. Rest his soul..the ship ended up crashing a lil while later once my orbit velocity was compromised by me trying to mess around some more(i was wondering it i could somehow rclick the wench swinging around....if i release the clamp if i would just barrel out into space or not..i couldnt click it...after 45 min i gave up lol


    I hope yall enjoyed my lil story i wanted to share. And hope to see if anyone else has made such a contraption. Does it work?? I will continue to try and improve my design..but im afraid that game mechanics makes this impossible to actually be functional. Thoughts anyone?

    ***** I know i could just retract the pod. Then do the manuver..but hey..im doing this for science!! Not ksp science...real science lol




  6. Im not sure where to ask this. But this is the mod im having a question about. I made a nice lil vtol craft out of 6x air brakes(pitch/yaw on) and some electrical rotor engines. My goal is to make a self substaining hover craft that can stay in flight indefinatly off solar power...yet my only draw back is figureing out how to hover. Is it a fine balance between weight and thrust right now...or is there a mode that can be enabled...ive checked the engines action group options...and there isnt one for hovering. 


    6 engines and my craft doesnt weigh a lot so i only need about 15-20%thrust for lift off. Big overkill i know....lol and id rather not have to reduce the engine count as 6 looks pretty nice on it. It also stays level like a dream. Those air brakes are a god send and look amazing when extended off the rotors themselfs

  7. So..im new to ksp. Ive been building in sandbox and have been loving it!!

    After tinkering around for a few days my goal was for 2 ships that could decouple from a rocket once i got above 100k altitude. Essentally taking the work out of flying two ships into orbit seperatly. 


    To my unfortunate discovery...i was unable to clamp any pods or ship parts to it..is there anyway to achomplish my goal right now??

    Im not using a whole lot of fancy mods. Mainly stock with mods to increase part count and variety. 


    Thats a bummer. Has anyone had any luck with this kind of thing?

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