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Posts posted by Flymetothemun

  1. Hey, the Law and Order guest-starring Lauren Graham is on channel 10. Score!

    I'm liking Home Time on channel 6. I learned that even I, a guy who's never done any carpentry, can build my own roof!

  2. Ok, question:

    Directed at Kerbart up there in Elmwood Park, but ya'll can answer. I used to live in northern NJ, southwest of Teterboro airport, and in-game (in-sim) I used Teterboro as "Home" (it was closer to me than Hanover airport, where I had my first real life ride in a single-engine Cessna mid-1960's), starting and ending my trips there, parking my plane there. These days, I use Miller Air Park in Ocean County.

    So, do ya'll do the same?... use a field local to you and call it home?

    Heh, I wish. I don't even think the places closest to me are in FS04, and as said, I don't have a pilots license or an airplane. But the closest airfield to me is about 1000-1500 feet (I can see planes from my back porch and can walk over there anytime in a minute or so) and closest airport is about 7-10 miles, I don't know what the official names are, but if I used them I'd call them home. Especially the airport; they're members of the EAA, they have a CAP squadron that meets there, and they have a yearly airshow or at least have a public event once a year. Just this year they had a B-25 and an AT-6 come in and a bunch of military vehicles. A couple years back they had a general airshow with a bunch of planes and helis and they even got a couple former Soviet Military MiG's to come.

  3. The Lear I always found quite nimble, but way way overpowered. You'd be at 500kts before you realized it and ripping the wings off. I liked the Barron because it was so nicely balanced, and very forgiving as far as a twin-engine prop went. I could put that thing down anywhere, the shortest of runways. I like it better than any of the Cessna's, except of course for the pontoon plane which is a must while flying all over Alaska lol. Speaking of Alaska, there's a runway way up north (I forget what country it was in) that's on the side of a mountain/cliff; The approach is straight in, no alternatives if you screw up, and you're landing essentially uphill. Turn around and take-off is downhill and off the edge of a cliff. lol

    That floatplane's pretty nice too. I just like the whole "See water? Land!" aspect of it, you can't do that on land unless you're in the desert or on the plains, and in the big planes you might as well forget it. And I like the added aspect of trying to find the "runway" of a seaport; I once spent 15 minutes going in circles and having the GPS open.

    And I've heard of that airport, it's in the Scandinavian region, isn't it? Or Newfoundland province?

  4. That easy-to-operate part is kind of what I don't understand. Between takeoff and landing, what do you do? All I can see is set the autopilot, grab a book or movie, and check in every so often. The ATC seems more of a chore than immersion, and I don't think the scenery is interesting enough at airliner altitudes to make looking at it very engaging. At that point, why bother to play?

    And even without the autopilot, once you get it straight and level, just keep doing it? Wheee?

    Psssh. I don't need a big airliner to make landings challenging. All I need is an airplane and a flat piece of ground. :blush:

    (Landing has never been my strong point. I keep meaning to work on it, but I never really do.)

    I set the autopilot, grab a book or the paper, do all the flight following contacts I need to do via ATC, and do any maneuvering that's required to get me to where I want to go. I mainly do it to relax, and the sound of the jets does that beautifully. And sometimes you get some pretty cool visuals. I've also been meaning to look for and add some scenery addons but I haven't gotten round to it.

    And landings are very easy for me, maybe that's why I think the landings are challenging. It's just the whole process of contacting ATC, getting in the pattern, getting the approach just right and lining up all the variables for a successful landing that I love. With a prop plane, it's kinda easy because they're so nimble, but jetliners, it's hard to juggle speed, throttle, flaps, pitch, etc; the thing's a beast and it's kinda hard to control at landing speeds, and that's why I like it.

    (And, BTW, use your PAPI's. They're right next to the runway, 4 red or white lights. There should be 2 red and 2 white lights if you're on the right glideslope, more red and you're too low, more white and you're too high. This made landings MUCH easier.)

  5. And now?... I've got an urge to go fly. :rolleyes:

    Heh, I do too sometimes. I've never even flown a plane. If I do it'll probably be an ultralight, I'd never pass the PPL test.

    But you reminded me of the Learjet, and that's about my 2nd favorite. Once again, can't say why, it just feels "right", y'know? But I've really got to get into flight planning and doing a "proper" flight; The furthest I've gone was from KSEA to about halfway through southern Idaho in FS'04. Furthest complete flight was from KSEA to the Boeing field a few miles out. Might have to do a KPIT to KORD run sometime.

  6. I've honestly never seen the attraction people have to flying airliners. It seems pretty boring to me, but from what I've seen, it's one of the most popular uses of non-combat flightsims. Can anyone explain it?

    I just like the fact that they aren't agile. I WILL have my moments when I feel like barnstorming, but most of the time I just like to relax and have fun and the relative lack of sensitivity and "squirreliness" make for an easy-to-operate plane. Plus, the landings are REALLY hard, and I like that for the challenge. And lemme tell you, you really learn to use the PAPI lights well after having landed a jet.

  7. I have FS2004; I'm afraid that my computer would blow up if I tried to run FSX. I'd say that my favorite plane to fly would be the Boeing 737 with whatever choice of stock livery I like that day. I don't know why but just I like it. As for records, I don't keep track of numbers; I just get in the air, sit back, make sure I don't overspeed or stall, and relax. I also use the ATC interface, kinda adds to the mood and makes it that much cozier.

  8. Thanks, interesting post. For the record his memory isn't chronic, it has just been highlighted in tests. I'll google those games but I think they may be a little too abstract for a non-gamer? I suggested sims to him because you have to continually remember how to do things. I'm not sure if this is a short-term memory exercise though, I suspect it becomes long-term after you've done something a couple of times. I wondered about rogue-likes, as although each play-through is usually different, remembering things does seem to be key in some.

    Edit: Oh, I remember Sokoban. I think he needs something more realistic - tycoon games possibly are a better angle. I'm not sure if dosbox games will have an interface too difficult - I'll have to see if his laptop could handle something like Silent Hunter III, maybe - mine did ten years ago, but I'm not sure about his graphics hardware.

    I wouldn't say they're abstract; LYNE and WFE are simple,

    a bit complex, but they all have tutorials. All the games I mentioned also build up from simple and forgiving to a bit more challenging; RCT2's menu in particular has skill level categories for all the scenarios.

    But, since you said that the tycoon angle might be more productive, You might wanna try Industry Giant 2. It's a game where you manage a company and manufacture and sell product from raw materials to supply chain to factory to store. It'll probably take a bit of work to get it running if he's using Win7 and up. The Tropico series might also be a good game for him; It's essentially a game where you manage your own banana republic, and no, I'm not talking about the store. I'd recommend Tropico 3-5 for the better graphics and interface but if they don't run then 2 and 1 probably will. The Civilization series would also be great, you've probably heard about it, and at this point it needs no introduction. Civ V might be a bit too taxing on his computer, I'd go with III or IV. There's also an Open Source version available for free. All of these, except for the OS Civ which I'm not sure of, have tutorials that he can play to learn the ropes.

    And as for the DOS game interfaces, I've found that it depends on who made it and on the topic of the game. If it's something by Lucasarts or Sierra, the interface will be fantastic. If it's by Joe Schmoe who's programming from his apartment in Nowhere, Alabama, it'll be horrible.

  9. So, it's just a regular eclipse that for some reason managed to get a silly, meaningless name attached to it, and the media has run with it, then?

    Pretty much. And people think that there's special meaning of these eclipses just because Jewish occasions occur on such eclipses, totally ignoring the fact that the Jewish calendar is lunar-based.

  10. He might be interested in Rollercoaster Tycoon 1 & 2; It isn't a memory game per se but if you wanna build anything like a rollercoaster you gotta remember where you want it to go, where the station is to make the track a loop, what you might want to name it, etc.

    SpaceChem's also a game he might like; Think a really complex, really nice version of the classic Sokoban. And on that thought, he might also like Sokoban, it's essentially moving boxes around a maze to get them into various positions. There are many clones out there to suit his OS and specs; Just look around.

    There is also a game called LYNE that is essentially connecting together like shapes in a grid without the line of one shape crossing over the line of another shape.

    There is also a game called Words For Evil that he may like; It's essentially fighting a series of monsters by making words out of a grid of letters.

    You might also want to take a look at some old DOS games. You can get them running on DOSBox and you can edit the files to where when he starts it up it'll do any mounting for him and even point him towards a menu if you wish. There are a few sub games I've seen so far, and all of them seem to be good. And all these games are free and they'll run on anything. PM me if you want any help setting up DOSBox..

    Dos games websites:




    and DOSBox: http://www.dosbox.com/

    I've just provided some general, leaning towards casual games. If you're looking for something in a WWII realm, you might not get much because most of them are FPS's and I gather that FPS's aren't suitable for him. This may help: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_World_War_II_video_games. And since he's interested in Flightsims, Why not pick up a copy of FS2004? FSX might not run on his hardware and any computer built within the past 5 years will run it a treat. You can pick up a joystick for under 50 bucks too.

    And no, I didn't just look these up. I don't like twitchy, fast-paced games too much and most of the games I play are what you've specified.

    - - - Updated - - -

    You (or him) should seriously not be asking for medical advice on internet.

    Why not have a neurologist suggest something?

    I wouldn't say he's asking for medical advice; Medical advice for this situation would be like "How do I improve his memory?" When all he's asking for are games that would suit his memory deficit and maybe make it better.

  11. I live in the mid-atlantic states and I saw a little bit of it between the breaks in the clouds. All I ever got to see was red with a sliver of white, no fully-red moon, until the clouds really rolled in and it started raining. Still, I'm happy, usually it's raining, thunderstorming, or snowing when stuff like this happens, so this is actually a break from the norm.

  12. I'm not a parkour guy, but I'm amazed at those who are. Never had the coordination, and I've always had at least a couple growing pains, joint pains, and/or muscle pains/soreness all throughout my life, even when I was young, so I don't think my body would thank me if I did it. And I broke my leg when I was young and every time I do stuff like that it hurts and I can feel the bone straining right where it broke.

  13. Kerbal Space Program is actually a government-alien conspiracy to train spacecraft builders and scientists. Just hear me out on this:

    JFK told everybody we would land on the moon in 10 years in '61. Apollo 11 landed on the moon in '69. It only took 8 years. This left 2 more years to go to the moon on the clock. In '71, the end of the time limit, Cigarette adverts were banned on American TV. Think about this, long things with fire and smoke coming out the end were banned. What does that sound like? This was the first action of the aliens.

    But, you see, JFK was shot in '63, so as far as he knows we're still on Earth. But this has happened before. Assassinate the grand architect so that the corrupt overlords can take their place. It happened with Stalin killing Lenin, it happened with Brutus killing Caesar, and it happened with the second shooter on the grassy knoll killing JFK.

    So, the long things with fire were banned and soon the plane with fire coming out the back and with a can full of fire attached to the underside came about. Those that are "in the know" call it a "Space Shuttle". The whole idea (that they tell us at least) was to reuse the shuttle. This is the second action of the aliens because how can you fit mind-control microbots onto a spacecraft if you don't know what you're working with?

    So the mind control went on and on until 1994, when NASA decided to use the shuttle for RADAR mapping and NOAA used it for weather. This was the mind control actually working. The aliens needed to know what our planet looked like, they can't see it; they don't have eyes, so they need numbers so that they can hook their brains up to the mothership and have the mothership microwave the information into their brains. They also needed to know what conditions we would survive under, so that they could train us effectively.

    1994 was also the year of the OJ trial. This was the third tetris block to fall into place. They needed to see what we would do if someone we dearly loved was called into question. They didn't know we were actually primal beings covered in a veneer of philosophy and morals.

    So, this happens and transpires, and in 2006 OJ makes a TV special. In 2006 Russia cut the natural gas flow to Ukraine over pricing concerns. This was because the aliens wanted to make sure the dirty russian red commies had enough fuel to get their little boomsticks up in the air. And this is where it all falls into place.

    Fast forward to 2011: A Mexican working at an ad agency. He goes to his boss and says: I want to make a game. And so it happens. The mind control has shifted over the jet stream and landed on this little sheep's wool. Probably inspired by the Russian rockets (look at all the explosions), the game gets made and is filled with all kinds of indoctrinatory things; It teaches you how to fly spacecraft. Not only this, it also teaches you how to build spacecraft. And it also teaches you how to do science in space and how to support the lives of LITTLE GREEN MEN. And so proves my point.

    The aliens have trained us, indoctrinated us. We are all slaves of their machine. And if you buy my book, support my foundation, donate to my kickstarter for my death ray to kill aliens, like my facebook page, share my myspace link, spread this message to your friends and family, and sign my online petition, you can help stop this menace to the multiverse. And if you act within the next 15 minutes you get a free tote bag with a small nuclear device embedded in the lining; If you see an alien, just pull the red cord and the bag takes care of the rest. Don't worry, It's TSA and IAEA approved!

    If you think I actually believe any of this, you're pretty stupid.

  14. Some of my things; I took it up about a couple years ago and I love it. Don't get out much because of the crazy weather around here but when I do I have a good time. I've never had any classes and I haven't read any books on photography. My lightcatcher of choice is a Canon Rebel T3.



    ^ I'm still messing about trying to figure out depth of field. Still, looks cool.




    ^ Had the urge while shooting out in the woods to see how well I could focus on something. Sticks weren't doing it so took off my dirty watch and wrapped it round a branch. I'm not being paid, so shut up, you think Casio would order that shot as an advert? Maybe for a G-Shock but not my 53W.




  15. I've got a few questions. These are for each individual moderator that may come across it to answer based on their experiences.

    1- What is the funniest piece of spam you've ever come across on the forums?

    2- Does it take you a bit of thought when dealing out infraction or can you tell at a glance whether or not a person needs to get hit in the head with the ModHammer?

    3- Have you ever moderated while drinking? If you have, did you know that buzzed moderating is drunk moderating?

    4- Are you having a good day?

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