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Everything posted by Flymetothemun

  1. Thinking about it I WOULD wear an analog watch, but I'm too much of an outdoorsman to have a delicate mechanism survive. Just yesterday I chopped down a pine tree and with the heaving that I was doing with my axe and the lifting that I was doing hauling it out I think that I would've damaged a watch mechanism. And every time I go out on the water I always manage to get wet.
  2. I know that political things are frowned upon on the forums, but I just couldn't let this go unposted. If you've checked your calendar today, you'd have noticed that it is September 11th. If you don't know, there was an attack on the former World Trade Center towers in New York City on this day in 2001. Many people were killed in the impact of Jetliners into the towers and the eventual collapse of these two towers. There were also a crash of a jetliner into the Pentagon and a crash into a Pennsylvania field. I'd just like for you reading this to take a moment to remember these people and their families and all the firemen, police, paramedics, and volunteers that helped with rescuing people from the wreckage and that helped clean up the debris. Remember those of other nations who offered to and did help. Regardless of your religion, race, nationality, political affiliation, or belief in conspiracies, please take a little bit of time to remember everybody involved in this disaster. And please also remember that life is a precious thing, that it can be lost at any time, and that it is to be treasured and cherished every day. Please don't get political in the discussion. Thank you for reading and for your time.
  3. Mate, I've had a Casio CA-53W for about 5 years now. 15 US bucks (6.72 GBP/21.20 AUD, based on your use of the word "chemist's), Smart, industrial and utilitarian design which I love to bits, and it's the best watch I've ever owned. And the beeping of it's a lot better than most piezo beeps on other watches. Seriously mate, pick one up,
  4. My great-grandfather was a coal miner. These three words being used together makes me laugh. You had to be LOADED to go to college back then (my family isn't, hasn't, and will never be rich), and as far as I understand your only training was being given the tools everybody else had and being told to do what they were doing.
  5. I have a station around me that's almost the same. During weekdays they just play classical played by the orchestra in the city that's a couple hours south of where I live, but on the weekends they have a Jazz, Swing, Folk, Bluegrass, Celtic, and Classical programs, and they have some of the BBC world service too. It's a big break from the religious/redneck country (Some of which sounds creepy and like a stalker wrote it)/same classic rock over and over again stations around here. I don't even like classical but sometimes I've listened to that station on the weekdays to get a break from the headache-inducing stuff that gets played around my area.
  6. A drop of lemonade in space and an advertiement. Surely you must be the next Picasso, Edgy Artist, and/or BBD&O. 5/10.
  7. Damn straight son! I'm not in a group or anything (I will freeze and start to cry if you even suggest the idea of performing to me) but I love to sing it in the bathroom. Really gentle on the throat, and I've been imitating Sinatra ever since I was 2 or 3, so I'm pretty well tooled for it. It's also got a lot of similar harmony across the genre so you can kinda harmonize with the group as you go when it's playing. As for me: Military marches Classic rock Psychedelic+prog rock Showtunes Lounge singing Jazz+Swing Country+Bluegrass Bagpipes Doo-Wop Kraftwerk
  8. Yeah, and then you have the people that think it's the grandest thing ever while laying out in the sun getting skin cancer and then staying in air conditioning 90% of the time. I like the fall better, something cozy about it. Summer's just one big, boring oven.
  9. You'd better tell me what he says and anything that's said about it. I might just go nuts with wondering if you don't.
  10. I agree with you; I've had just about enough of ATV people in the woods, but I can handle them, but if I see a flying machine in the woods or wherever that isn't a plane or heli of a normal, people-carrying size I might just complain to the police or a conservation officer. The way I see it, if you're going out in the woods or on the lake you're looking to get away from technology and relax, that's why I do such things. If you bring along a flying camera, it defeats the whole purpose. Plus, with how sensitive electronics are (even supposedly "waterproof" ones), I don't see the thing lasting more that a few days outside. And, this is essentially a device for the taking of "selfies", which are of a narcissistic bent. Regular cameras are pointed at others, they force you to look at the beauty around you. Newer cameras are pointed at you; they force you to take your attention away from the beauty around you. With how beautiful nature is, you don't want to focus on yourself. And, with how much fun you can have out in nature, you wouldn't even have time or want to take pictures or videos. And sometimes it's better just to remember. Some pictures last longer than memories, but some memories last longer than pictures.
  11. "Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you." -Thomas Jefferson
  12. Yeah, Sagan's a cool guy; He had LOADS of passion for what he did with Cosmos and his books. I get an air of disingenuity from NGT, like he's "doing it for the money". His version of Cosmos also doesn't have the pure magic that Sagan's had; The remake, for me, was just facts presented in a CGI way. I had an appreciation and amazement for space and human technology that I didn't really have before after watching Sagan's original. I was excited by the info from Sagan's show, but with NDT it was just another show. Plus, Sagan's voice is a million times more relaxing and pleasant-sounding than NDT's. Just my personal opinion. And Seth Macfarlane should stay with adult cartoons and vulgar entertainment and not be the writer on a goddang science show.
  13. Fun Fact: The Blackbird, at it's highest speed, couldn't be hit by ICBMs or Antiaircraft missile simply because it went too fast for any missile or ICBM.
  14. It CAN do that, but can it do it as good? You can use a backhoe to dig a few post holes, but without an auger attachment it wouldn't do a very good job. FSX will most likely have a much better aerodynamics and physics model than even KSP with FAR. And even FS2004 has better graphics than KSP, FSX blows my mind and I don't even own it. And the mods I've seen for it are absolutely fabulous.
  15. I was listening to a honky tonk piano recording when I was reading. Now I'm imagining a funny Russian silent movie depicting the situation described in the article. I'm still laughing. But I'd like to see the over/under on the situation before I bet on who wins.
  16. Huh. I don't know how I missed the NTS fallacy. Thanks, and I agree.
  17. Okay, so what does "real" mean? The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as: ": actually existing or happening : not imaginary : not fake, false, or artificial : important and deserving to be regarded or treated in a serious way" And gamer? ": a person who plays games and especially video or computer games : a person who is game; especially : an athlete who tries very hard to win games, competitions, etc." So, the first definition of "Gamer" seems to suit most people, if not all, on this forum. The first definition of real also fits. However, the second and third definitions of real propose two questions: "Are we faking this?" and "Are we important?" I wouldn't, by my own observations and opinions, say that most people on this forum are false in their zeal for games, be they computer, board, card, or etc. However, I think that the entire gaming community and even history is the jury on whether or not we are important. To answer this question ourselves would brand us self-important, and self-importance leads to self-destruction. If I were on the outside then I would class us as not important, after all we are an incredibly small community playing a game that is vastly outclassed by such games as Word of Warcraft, Call of Duty, or one of the many popular video games on the market and that are still being played. We have very little, if any effect on the gaming industry, and I don't think we'll ever get to the level of a medium-large publisher such as Valve. Apart from the dictionary definition, there is also the cultural effect of labeling something real. In the context of gaming, real would probably mean having a lot of experience in a wide range of genres and styles. There may also be time commitments and levels of skill that would have to be achieved to meet a personal or group standard of a "real gamer". But, in conclusion, I think it depends on what the definition is, how you apply it, and who you're talking to if you meet the definition of "real gamer".
  18. Rollercoaster Tycoons 1+2. 1'll cost ya $6 and 2 $10. One of the best values on Steam as far as I'm concerned.
  19. I'm glad to be on board! Anyway, just the other day I was outside with my shortwave receiver and I heard some people tapping out CW on a frequency I didn't bother to check. Kinda neat. But since I only have my Tech ticket, I could never have gotten into the conversation even if I DID have the gear.

    I actually DO have a transmitter, one of those 30 buck Baofeng UV5RA's, but the extended rubber duck (15" vs the 4" stock) I bought for it's only good for receiving, it won't hit any repeaters where I live even on the 5 watt setting (It's a 2M/70CM band radio). I don't have the money for a tower, either; I don't even have the money to build an antenna and the coax and accoutrements to hook it up with.

    Y'know the funny thing is that after I got my ticket I started seeing towers and other ham radio folks with antennas all over the place. And every time I see a tower or antenna I always go "I wish I had one of those SOB's"

    Anyway, what ticket do you have? I'm guessing Technician.

  20. Anything by Edgar Allan Poe (More like poetry, but still, it's writing) Thus Spake Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche (Still reading it, but It's really good) 1984 by Orwell Anything by Dave Barry (Baby Boomer humorist; Wrote a humor column for the Miami Herald for a long time) The Bible of Unspeakable Truths by Greg Gutfeld (Right-Libertarian Author; Incorporates a LOT of humor into his writing) Petrolia by Brian Black (Details early Petroleum Industry history from where it all began in the Titusville-Oil City Region of Pennsylvania) Quiet by Susan Cain As you can see I'm not too keen on fiction.
  21. Wha'd you do, fall off a roof!? All jokes aside, some games you might like are SpaceChem, the Portal series, Cities: Skylines, and Rollercoaster Tycoon 2. They all require you to use your head in various ways, Portal & SpaceChem being Spatial & Visual awareness, Cities: Skylines being budgeting & a little bit of "How can I fit this here" problem solving, and RCT 2 being a little bit of S+V awareness & Budgeting. And trust me, whenever I was sick as a dog as a kid (Once I spent a week in the bathroom [sleeping, eating, etc.] because I had a heroic stomach thing with violent nausea; I was very sick as a kid in general, always coming down with something), RCT 2 made the time pass by like an F1 car would pass a bicyclist. It also helped me with any pain; RCT engrosses you and gets you thinking about barely anything else. It'll also run fabulously on your computer, I don't know what computer you have but I know that it'll run fabulously. Links: SpaceChem: http://www.zachtronics.com/spacechem/ Portal Series: http://store.steampowered.com/sub/7932/ Cities: Skylines: http://store.steampowered.com/app/255710/ RCT 2: http://store.steampowered.com/app/285330/ And If you need ANY help with RCT2 (other than installing it), PM me. I've been playing it for close to 13 years, and while I may not know everything, I know enough to do well in it. I know most of the ins and outs of it.
  22. He might not have satellites and GPS down, but look at the positives! He's got Sporadic E propagation and Fox Hunting down! (I'm a Amateur Radio guy. Shame is, I've never made a contact and I don't have a transmitter. All this knowledge I learned's [and took a test on] going unused...)
  23. Tell me, does it get faster and faster as you get older or does it plateau somewhere? I'm young, and it's already getting to the point where a month feels like a week and a week feels like a couple days.
  24. You idiot! It's clear that they're doing a lovely waltz or gavotte, perhaps a nice swing dance, I have no idea what you had in mind.
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