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Everything posted by Cabbink

  1. I think no, unless it's a considerably large plane. I have my smaller planes take off between 50 m/s to 80 m/s, at tops. Try to lower your takeoff speed.
  2. @Mjp1050 are you going down the line, or just choosing the best? I really want my plane tested either way.
  3. Woops. Forgot to stabilize the extradimensional stabilizer, am i right?
  4. Okay. Not going to be able to push out an update for quite a while. Stay tunned.
  5. Going to submit a bunch of planes soon(next few days). Be prepared!
  6. I like the simplistic look! I have my version in the works, with shadowing and lens flares. Sorta realistic-simplistic mix.
  7. Thanks. I'm not new, but I dont submit these as much. I'll elaborate this later.
  8. (I'll format this later) A challenge for those particularly good at ksp: Get to orbit in a capsule without any engines(that includes jet engines) Rules: No form of alt12 trickery Modifying parts via file. No engines You must reach orbit Bonus: land and return from any body. W.I.P
  9. Behold! the CPS C-1 "Alice". The C-1[its short name] is a sub & supersonic small plane with a passenger capacity of 48. It has a large fuel capacity, and can fly for decent time, and has afterburners. CPS C-1 Has the ability to safely land itself, with the possible loss of engines. This commercial plane is one of the fastest, at Mach 2.83. Pros: Toggle modding, lots of fuel, and high gimbals and control surfaces Very nice Views Moderately quick takeoff Safety System Cons: Harder to Fly Costly(Panther Engines) Low Electric Charge Cost: 65,150,000 Crew Capacity: 48(Base Model) Distances:2872.0476-2366.89 km, Depending on mode Top Speeds: Mach 1-2.83, Depending on mode Recommended Height: 0-8 km Variants: Fuel Variant: Lower TWR, Higher Fuel Capacity and distance. Cargo Variant: Lots of storage, Much Higher TWR(Without Cargo Micro Variant: More Fuel, Smaller. https://kerbalx.com/Cabbink/CPS-C-1-Alice https://kerbalx.com/Cabbink/CPS-C-1-AliceFuel-Variant https://kerbalx.com/Cabbink/CPS-C-1-AliceCargo-Variant https://kerbalx.com/Cabbink/CPS-C-1-AliceMicro-Variant
  10. How about saftey features as a catagory? It could be a good add-on to any plane.
  11. @Mjp1050Is thrust editing (editing the engine so it burns faster, and stronger). It does not change the isp or fuel consumption ratio. Just makes it burn faster.
  12. Xrays protection (ammounts that can give you cancer) and 1500 C temperatures hard to protect. You know those lead Vests for xrays? That's to protect from a small chunk of radiation you get up at the thermopause. You would have to make 1/3 of the plane into lead. How does flying that sound?
  13. Yeah, but do you really want civilian passengers at the border of the THERMOSPHERE? Xrays get in there. Earths atmosphere:
  14. Sorry to break it to ya. Scaled to earth, you are in areas with poisonous levels of UV and other light(as well as being dangerously close to the thermosphere). Try to fly lower, maybe down at 15km at the max.
  15. I think they want it to be low enough for the physics of the distance calc not to be obsolete. Also, scaled to earth, that's flying at 64 km. That's about where UV radiation gets harmful in normal planes. So keep them below 15 km for realisim.
  16. So... re afterburners allowed? Since afterburners are only allowed on military craft IRL, i think the panther should be limited. @Mjp1050
  17. Sounds like something to do. However, any shots you see of my craft may look odd as i have AfterKerbin(planet pack beta) on my saves. No difference on solitude (kerbin) as all physical characteristics are the same. Also, how about adding a mega plane category, with a capacity of 120+ passengers? Thanks! Edit: how about long flyers? Maybe a plane with at least 10 passengers, and able to go around Kerbin 4-5 times?
  18. One problem: you need to say that editing the physics in anyway (including editing the physics config) is banned. You only said from the altf12 menu.
  19. Wait... Talking heads.. Do I.. A. Need to be on their song contest tv show? B. Have the possibility to be DISQUALLIFED because "BOO. NOT COOL." C. Have the possibility to SHOW THEM WHAT I GOT? I hope someone got that.
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