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Posts posted by Danilka

  1. 10 hours ago, OhioBob said:

    If we call the three numbers X, Y and Z, then

    Latitude = ASIN( Y / SQRT(X^2 + Y^2 + Z^2) )

    Longitude, if X>0 = ATAN( Z / X)

    Longitude, if X<0 and Z>0 = ATAN( Z / X) + 180

    Longitude, if X<0 and Z<0 = ATAN(Z / X) -180

    So for the given example,

    Latitude = ASIN( -3000 / SQRT(157000^2 + (-3000)^2 + (-570000)^2 ) = -0.2907275094

    Longitude = ATAN(-570000 / 157000) = -74.60038846

    When I work with these numbers I prefer to use unit vectors, i.e. vectors that have a magnitude of one.  The magnitude doesn't matter because it just points a direction.  In unit vectors we have,

    0, 1, 0  ---  points to the north pole
    0, -1, 0  ---  points to the south pole
    1, 0, 0  ---  points to 0 longitude on the equator
    -1, 0, 0  --- points to 180 longitude on the equator
    0, 0, 1  ---  points to +90 longitude on the equator
    0, 0, -1  ---  points to -90 longitude on the equator


    How translate latitude and longitude to position?

  2. When exporting the atmosphere from the ScattererTool into the game I had problems. The atmosphere in the game is different from the atmosphere that I created in the ScattererTool. I ask to help me with solving this problem. Thank you in advance!

    I'm sorry for my english.





    I already fixed this problem!

  3. When you create a formula for the temperature profile for a small planet I have not encountered any problems, but when I reached the gas giants, I was faced with the problem of creating a formula for the temperature profile with logs. I would be grateful if you show me how to create a formula with logs. I'm sorry for my English.

  4. I decided to make a mod on a new solar system. I have little experience in creating planets, so I decided to get an opinion on the work done by me. Thank you in advance for your evaluation. I'm sorry for my English.

    Download: github

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