I've been playing KSP on the PS4 and spent more for that one game than I have on any other game (with add ons). Now, the game won't launch anymore. I click on it to launch and in turn it starts, gets to the cinematic of the rocket launching and after that, the game crashes entirely. I've deleted and reinstslled the game to see if it helped. Which of course it took even less time to crash after launching. Plus, on my saved games I'm on a restart from crash 68 and I'm really tired of starting over. But until the game gets an update. I know for a fact I'm not the only PS4 player who is tired of the issues that haven't been fixed, nor the promises that are held up. (They promised an update early this year, we are getting close to halfway through the year). But I digress. My point is I'm complaining and elaborating on the issues I've been having with the PS4 edition of KSP and that the game doesn't work whatsoever for me now.