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  1. Possible? Sure, this is just software, you could fork Principia and remove everything except axial tilt. Why anyone would want to waste time doing this is beyond me, though. Note in particular that Tilt'Em never quite worked and there are deep reasons for that. You cannot implement axial tilt without redoing a good chunk of the physics (which Principia does, of course).
  2. That trajectory is not stored in the save, it is reconstructed dynamically from the past burns. Is what you want to do possible? Certainly, after all Principia does it. Is it easy? Hell no, but if you are adventurous and proficient in C++, look at the PluginCompatibilityTest in the Principia code base: it reads saves and extract various pieces of information from them. You'll want to see how it reads the class Vessel, and you'll want to focus on methods ReadFromMessage and Reanimate in that class.
  3. This is not how Principia works. Gravitational forces are applied to the vessel, not to its parts. Vessels can have hundreds of parts, the performance would be horrendous. Consequently, there are no tidal effects.
  4. Congratulation for discovering that orbits around L2 are unstable. I invite you to consult Wikipedia for details about this instead of trusting what you remember reading. Note that "12th generation i5" covers a broad variety of processors, including both desktops and laptops, so it's impossible to say if that's a good choice for Principia. In general the more cores, the better. Also, we recommend destroying debris and disabling the asteroids as they burn CPU for little value.
  5. The Kopernicus configuration here needs to be put somewhere in the GameData folder (anywhere), and to have the extension .cfg. You should not have to mess with anything else. One important point is that you must create a new save. The configuration of the solar system is recorded in the save the first time it is created, and the .cfg files are not re-read after that.
  6. There is no "simplified" version of Principia and there won't be because the time is not spent where you think it is. The interactions between celestial bodies cost virtually nothing: we can compute about 6 months of interactions per second, which corresponds to warp 15,000,000. Nobody is limited by that. The problem with large spacecrafts is that Principia needs to position every single part at every frame. If your vessel has, say, 1000 parts, that leaves us with 40 μs for each part. That's not much, and sure enough we will sometimes slow down the game. We are aware of the problem and there is an issue for that (#3230) but unfortunately, there is no easy solution.
  7. Thanks. I created issue #3697 to track this. I verified that I could uncompress the journal. PS: Don't expect a quick resolution, it's a big journal and probably a hard problem.
  8. Maybe. Maybe not. First, the speed-up only concerns the rotating-pulsating frame where we display equipotentials. Second, if you have many cores, it won't make much of a difference, equipotentials will burn some of your cores but won't affect interactivity. So we are left with the case where you don't have many cores (2-4) and you display equipotentials, then yes, there will be an improvement on warp speed.
  9. This is not the log that we need. As a matter of fact, for such a tricky bug we'd need a journal taken while the problem happens. Details here. ETA: We would actually very much like to be able to investigate this issue. We have had a report years ago of a similar problem but we never managed to get to the root cause. Interestingly, there was a Service Module. So maybe that tells us something. You would help us greatly by providing a journal.
  10. We don't test on macOS as we don't have access to macOS machines. We just build for it. There are people using macOS on the Principia Discord channel. You might try to ask there. We haven't heard of problems so far, so it might be your install.
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