Okay... I waited patiently since the release of 1.2 for FAR to update, since it feels necessary for my KSP experience. So I'm currently still stuck with KSP 1.13 (luckily still availible on steam; thx KSP team; steam is a b**** when it comes to running older versions).
But well I notice that there seems to be no visible progress. Multiple times it was stated by Ferram, that FAR for 1.2 will probably be done in 1-2 weeks. This tells me that it actually seems to be pretty much done, but seemingly some additional problems occured. I also think I have a quite good idea on where to get the dev build.
So I justed wanted to ask those who are already playing the dev build:
Are there still severe issues (from your experience), and what issues are there? Would you generally recomend testing the dev build? I mean, I don't know if I could contribute a usefull bug report, but I certainly understand that it's a dev build and so even if most of it runs well, there might be some things still in need of fixing.
P.S: Finally - many thanks to Ferram for his good work. It's a pity the KSP team didn't include FAR as standard air interaction model for KSP.