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Everything posted by Nightshredder

  1. Hello! So I've recently started to play KSP and since I'm quite the rookie at it I will of course have questions, most are searchable but some are more difficult to find the answer to. Anyway as the title suggests I wonder if you're actually supposed to add large amounts of out science parts on to your space craft. I mean you can only gather science from a certain surrounding one time so why not max out the reward? The reason why I'm doubting it is all of the pictures I've seen of others creations where they only have maybe one goo container instead of 8. Also it looks kind of ridiculous. So if it's true that you're only supposed to have maybe one or two science parts then why? Thanks in advance! Picture of what I mean by maxed out science: http://i.imgur.com/53vv6uw.jpg
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