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Everything posted by memyselfandI

  1. Please refer over to my "I had 2 probes disappear" thread for the screen shots.
  2. I'll post a gamedata screenshot of it later on this evening.
  3. I'll try that later on. Right now I'm having trouble keeping my probes in orbit without them disappearing from a saved game and having there tracking markers on the scanmap disappear (As mentioned in my other thread).
  4. Nope. I saved the game, and when I exited out and loaded it back up both probes disappeared odd enough same thing happened again. I set out 2 more probes, this time the second one stayed behind while the first one disappeared (Along with it's track lines on Scansat map).
  5. They were in orbit around 100 to 120 KM. I saved the game, came right back after exiting it out and reloading it to find them missing without a trace.
  6. Scansat isn't showing anything on the map. What part am I missing for my probes?
  7. Wait... you can do all that?! I didn't realize that is what the weaponry was for?! So how much freedom is in this game exactly? Or rather let me rephrase the question. Can I send unmanned satellites at the beginning of the game to search, and scan for astronomical bodies?
  8. I meant to ask this earlier, but why is it that at the start screen the planet behind the floating kerbals is all white and cloudy? Same thing happens when I go into navigation screen. My planet that I'm on is white and cloudy as well.
  9. So wait. I can put as many mods in there, and it wouldn't crash or cause an infinite black screen?
  10. Its working correctly right now (But a bit buggy). I don't know what I did besides moving some of the mods in and out of the gamedata folder. Maybe it was mods conflicting?
  11. Sorry was doing this thread on my phone xD. What about ScanSat, KSP interstellar extended, or the Armory mod?
  12. Does anyone know what would be a good mood setup that allows interstellar travel, exoplanets, new stars, future tech, and no conflicting between other mods?
  13. I looked in my error log. It says OMB free for both paging and Physical. I have 16GB of Ram. 

    1. Dman979


      I also have 16 GB. However, I'm not the most tech-savvy person on the forums. You'll probably get better help if you post the same info on your recent thread. :)

    2. memyselfandI


      I just updated my last post. Probably going to take a while for someone to get back to me on that. Meanwhile, I posted the same thing in the steam forums. 

  14. I took the liberty of posting it to drop box https://www.dropbox.com/s/5b2o9dicmgbxwm2/error.log?dl=0 My Specs: Widows 10 (64bit), 16GB RAM, 1TB HDD, FX 8350, RX 480 8GB.
  15. I'm having a similar problem, but I'm getting an access violation in my error folder.
  16. This is my first time playing this game. I loaded it up, changed the graphics settings, then exited it out. I then proceeded to place Updated said mods to my GameData folder (Like I'm supposed to). After I finished extracting all the mods that I needed, I loaded the game up from steam. Once it starts from the loading screen I get an error message about TAC not being installed properly (Even though I have it located in the GameData Folder). The loading bar finishes, then it crashes back to the desktop. Here is my crash log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5b2o9dicmgbxwm2/error.log?dl=0
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