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Technetium Aerospace

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Everything posted by Technetium Aerospace

  1. I tried this on a clean (modless) install, and now it works. I think it must have been Remote Tech setting SAS on or something. Thanks for the help!
  2. Yes, think it would be . In the mean time, I figured out a work around using Kerbal OS to set the roll to 1 indefinitely, though now it isn't really a 'stock' propeller .
  3. I have a working stock propeller (following Squiddy's tutorial). It works properly and will fly, but when I switch from the propeller to the plane, the propeller's trim (alt+e) lock gets reset and it slows down. I have to keep switching back from the plane to the propeller to spin it up again. Does anyone know how to keep the propeller spinning when I switch vessels (keep trim lock on)? Sorry for the possibly confusing description of the problem, please ask if I need to clarify something.
  4. I am working on a Kerbal Operating System scrip to monitor the reactors temperature (mainly for Kerbal Atomics reactors, but since the functionality if NFE I thought I'd ask here). So I was wondering how to access reactors core temperature, power level (like the percentage slider in control panel) and also the auto-shutdown temperature. Any help would be appreciated!
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