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Everything posted by RocketMan-Explorer

  1. Hello Red Iron Crown. I just have one question to ask - where did you get your username from?

    Thank you for all the hard moderation work you do.

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    1. Red Iron Crown

      Red Iron Crown

      It's more or less an anglicization of my real name. 

      Thanks for your kind words but I've been retired from moderating for some time now. The other fellows are certainly doing a great job keeping the place friendly. 

    2. Dman979


      That's a lie. It feels like you just retired yesterday.

  2. May I please have one sarcasm sandwich with a scoop of funny on the side? All jokes aside, wishing you the best in the new mission report.
  3. And I would wait for a new update, Then I would wait for hours - twelve more Just to be the man who sees Dzhedasyn Land at the ground on Duna's door. The original
  4. This is a question for every mod - what's your favorite hobby to do, outside of KSP?
  5. Glemyra? Why, Glemyra is- <this post has been redacted by the authorities of the CCKP to protect the general public>
  6. Off the top of my head: Patience 2: The first one. Perpetuity: Basically, a giant space donut ring station around Minmus. Immutability: Perpetuity, but around Kerbin. Permanence: Perpetuity, but around Duna. Persistence: Perpetuity, but around the Mun. Endurance: Patience 1, but around Minmus.
  7. @Vagrant203 Of course, I think that @Hotaru will <redacted> to the <redacted> with the Otvazhnyy <redacted> carrying <redacted.> Edit: Here is a spreadsheet that I made for keeping track of the CCKP's missions. Still a work in progress, though.
  8. YES! YES! Hotaru is back! After HSP, this should be very interesting! *squee!* Will follow this one for sure! Spoiler: stuff I did after HSP. Oh, I see what you did there. New Star. Very clever.
  9. This is pretty cool. I love the incident report format. Will you post some more?
  10. Well, you know what they always say... If at first you don't succeed.... Spoiler: my prediction for the future timeline.
  11. I'm just curious about this, but can a moderator change their own username? If I remember correctly, users are limited to 1 username change. But what about moderators? Can they change their usernames themselves, or do they need a Global Moderator to do that? As for Global Moderators, can they change their usernames as well? Sorry for all the questions. Spoiler: Slightly off-topic.
  12. First! Oh, and while I'm here, I might as well say, your mission report is looking good so far. I'm excited to see how it turns out!
  13. Congratulations to Sarah, Bob, and Seewin! What's next for Spaceborne? Another Mun landing, or to Minmus, perhaps?
  14. Sorry to bother you, mods, but I would like to know if it's possible to change my username (via staff action), or otherwise. (The other option for me is to create a new account, but I'm not sure if that's permitted either. Plus, I have 2 years of forum history on the Forums that I wouldn't like to lose for a new account.) If it is possible to change my username, do I ask here, or in another thread? Or do I just send a moderator a PM?
  15. Obviously, there was another parallel universe called the "Space Program With No Name" or the Kerbals accessed the inner Source Code and modified it. We may never know. But, @SBKerman, I made a little spreadsheet for you to keep track of crews and missions on your save. Feel free to use it however you like! (I'm following this thread, so I can update the spreadsheet whenever a new post comes in.) You're doing a great job! I love this, keep it up!
  16. "Gilti" as charged! *laughs internally at poor joke*. please don't delete the joke. No, but seriously, I was the one to make the TVTropes page. It took quite a few hours, but I'm up to Chapter 55. I should finish recapping all the events until Chapter 73 by today or tomorrow. TVTropes is a website that looks at popular works and explains what literary devices (tropes) they used. Hence the term TVTropes.
  17. OK, I know I've been gone for a while, but I'm back! And, I was looking at TVTropes, and guess what! Someone actually made a TVTrope page on Kerny Kerman's Journal! (wow!) Here: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanWorks/KerbalSpaceProgram *blows noisemaker* Congrats!
  18. You're probably right. Probably. But either way, I can't wait to see how this mission report continues.
  19. Just a quick question - was HATSUNE an acronym or a backronym? Backronym -> (HATSUNE becomes High Altitude Test Satellite Utilizing New Experiments) Acronym -> (High Altitude Test Satellite Utilizing New Experiments becomes HATSUNE) Loving this mission report!
  20. That's scary! Were you OK? It's OK, you can look at the old images from the mission report and try to replicate them in a new thread if you have a new computer. Otherwise.... this thread had a long run, and it was nice to be able to follow these missions along with you.
  21. Ah. Well, I have MechJeb, and I know what you mean by the delta-v indicator (the one in the VAB?). Still a shame that it's inaccurate, though. Yeah, I've been wanting to get MH ever since it came out, but I haven't had the time to do so. Maybe one day - although I definitely agree with you on the basis that MH can make for some sweet rockets, probes, and rovers. Good point. I used the Mariner probes for all of my previous career saves. (Creativity, what's that? I've never heard of it! ) Although I have tried to be a little more creative in the save I'm starting now. Try Sci-Fi Visual Enhancements by @panzer1b, it's designed to run on medium-end computers, despite the fact that it's bundled with EVE. Excited for more!
  22. This is on KSP 1.6.1, right? I love the new delta-v indicator! You can also install EVE and SVE/SVT to make the terrain prettier, or you can use Sci-Fi Visual Enhancements. Those new spacecraft look epic! I wish I had gone with your choice of probe design instead of the standard "slap instruments and a solar panel to the probe core" which I seem to use too much. Keep up the great work @septemberWaves! (EVE, SVE/SVT have not yet been updated since 1.4.2 - however, you can still install EVE and the SVT configs. It will work and it will beautify Kerbin by a LOT)
  23. Okay, slight changes. I'm not going to upgrade to 1.6 just yet, I'm going to stay in 1.5.1 for another month or so. I didn't get Spectra, but I was able to install EVE and SVE, resulting in a sweet-looking Kerbin. Here's the screenshot for you. (Ooh, pretty!) Everything else is pretty much the same - the modlist hasn't changed, except for me uninstalling Spectra.
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