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Everything posted by Tovarishch

  1. This mod is great, thank you! Im having one small problem though: the music during flight stops as soon as I enter map camera (planet/solar system view). I cheked the playlist details and the camera mode has all boxes ticked, so the music should still play during map view.
  2. As soon as I replaced those pieces by smaller early controlable cores, the problem was gone.
  3. Found out what was the cause: my payload consisted of 3 satelites to make a comunication network around the moon. The root piece of the satelites was the Ranger Block 1 Core, but the way the internal pieces were arranged might have been the cause
  4. Strutted the rocket on all possible wobble points, and moved the satabilizers away from the main booster. It only stabilized on the pad, but as soon as I launched, things went wild again
  5. Recently, any rocket I try to launch just goes crazy on the launchpad, after physics load stabilization (you can watch it at 0:38) Im running KSP, with RO, RSS, RP-0 and all of their respective submods installed. If more info is needed, please tell me how to provide it, and I will post it in ths thread (im a noob)
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