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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Anyone else notice RSB not loading in 1.4.5 it shows up in the console while it's loading but I don't see any of the parts in the VAB/cant load any of the craft files.
  2. Have you tried GLC on linux it's a command line GL recorder as for audio the closes equivalent for VAC on linux is JACK with what ever gui program running over it preferably for setup. There would be a learning curve but I guess the question you have to ask yourself is, "is 64bit ksp on linux worth learning how to use these new tools on a new system?".
  3. Sorry if I missed this in while searching but does anyone have a working 1/10th scale config for RSS v8+? I tried searching but couldn't find anything.
  4. I second this. This would be perfect if I could use stock legs with it.
  5. Actually those aren't used to ignite the engines, they're used to burn off excess hydrogen so there isn't an explosion when the engines do ignite. It's still unclear to me as to weather they use magnesium or not though.
  6. I must be missing something about the red dragon misson, why is there an extended nose cone for the red dragon config?
  7. Currently it works over wifi I'm in the process of making it interface with the game via a plugin.
  8. A show hide button is an excellent idea. As for the labels that's already in place where you see the numbers I just need to implement a way for the user to change them. Also bigdad I don't own a mac or any iOS devices but the android code is java which I hear is getting easier and easier to port to iOS and this will be an open source project for anyone that has the resources to do such a thing.
  9. Yes they are action groups. I chose toggle switches because they look cooler and work even when the action groups are one offs.
  10. I plan on releasing this as an addon and app when its done it will also be on github.
  11. Not sure if this has been tried/suggested yet but they could host the downloads on Amazon's S3 service. So it could scale to meet demand though the higher the scale the more expensive it gets. I guess in the end it would come down to how much money it costs for S3 VS how much money they lose when the site's down.
  12. Pretty much all the main parts of a computer effect speed upgrading ram isn't going to do much if you have a slower processor. Same with a graphics card you're performance can be bottle-necked by a cpu that can't keep up with a nice card.
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