First i would like to express my excitement and admiration towards this mod, and my utmost respect for everyone involved in making this. As someone that has been a die hard KSP fan for years now, I can honestly say this is the most impressive work for this game that I have ever come across. I have successfully installed this mod, and to the best of my knowledge, I have followed every instruction perfectly. The only thing I cant seem to figure out is getting the clouds to work on the various planets with atmospheres. I know scatter is working properly, and I followed the correct instructions for the visual enhancement installations under the separate download labeled "Visuals". I have tried to adequately search the 50 pages of this topic to find an answer, and either its not there, or I missed it. If I did miss it, i apologize for this repost. I have included pictures of Kerbin, Duna, and EVE to give u a visual representation of what I am seeing in game, and hopefully a solution could be given to me. Thanks in advance to any help I might receive on this subject.