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  1. I have been working on a oil rig to be sent to Laythe, as the higher resource concentrations are underwater. I extended the KAS winch and fuel line to go 400m, and lower the drills to the sea floor. I was using full ore tanks to sink the drills, but wanted to hide them inside a service bay to save on weight. Unfortunately when I switch the the KAS RTS-1 to treat the coupled items as one craft to keep the ore flowing, the buoyancy changes and the drills float back up quickly. What I was hoping to do is send a sub down to the spot that I want and attach a ground anchor and docking port, and dock the drill unit to the sea floor. Which is when I figured out the the anchor cannot be installed underwater. I can't figure out where to change that setting in the cfg file. You seem to be more versed on working underwater. Thoughts?
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