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  1. Welp, my screenshot function isn't working so here is the zip file... Hmmm, that didn't work. Anyway here is the download link. If you were wondering, I copied and extracted the game data folder from the Heisenberg folder into my KSP game data folder.
  2. Okay, My problem is that the parts just won't load, the HLA parts load and work fine. But only the Heisenberg airship pods and body won't load. Also what really makes me confused is that the flags and fins load. So- oh! Also, I have the dependencies and newest versions of them.
  3. Does anyone know why this isn't working for me? I have all the requirements, newest versions, but nothing is working. Can someone please help!?
  4. I have downloaded the newest version of the Heisenberg airship parts pack, installed the newest versions of Hoolagain labs and Firespitter. For some reason, the rudders and flags load but the actual Heisenberg parts do not load. Can someone help me? What am I doing wrong?
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