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Everything posted by Quinceya23

  1. Hi all, Is there a way to stop your kerbal's from constantly drifting around in space whilst EVA'ng? ie To hold position whilst attaching equipment to objects? Cheers
  2. In need of some help folks. Im having difficulty adding heavy parts (such as additional docking ports) to orbital ships and platforms. I know i have to use an Engineer to do the engineering but in need of some help. 1. Is there a way of maintaining position whilst in EVA. My kerbals keep floating off into spce at the moment. 2. Why cant i handle heavy parts. Is there a way to move and add heavy parts to ships in orbit.
  3. Hi all. I also had the problem of the missing strut until i realized that i'd installed the wrong KW Rocketry folder from Curse. Make sure you all use the new and updated version from Space dock. KW Rocketry Redux. Thanks to Linuxgurugamer for the update. Also can we get Curse updated with this version. I might be wrong(i probably am) but i can only see the old 2.7 version on curse.
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