Oh, great. I think I might've deleted my other post on this page. If you see it, I'm not trying to spam. I just am new to using the forums, and might've just messed it up.
Anyways, I was playing, and wanted to make something, sorta like the USS Shenandoah, or something like that. I noticed that on the USS Shenandoah The USS Shenandoah had the fins smaller than the Mid-hull of the airship. I saw the other post about the bottom fin being flat, and how the user that made that post thught it would be a good Idea. I am somewhat on the same page, thinking that maybe making a longer tail cone and shorter fins. Speaking of HL-10 parts, I was wondering if we could make them a bit bigger. I did note that JewelShisen had made some parts That were about 15 m. I really do like these parts and wanted to know if you'd be able to fabricate some parts about this size, or bigger, while keeping them looking like the HL-10 parts you designed. I also realized that you said that you weren't planning on making bigger parts, but I do think that this might just be something to consider. I realize I might sound a bit picky, and if I do a apologize.
Here's what I mean by the fins being smaller than the hull.
But I do really like this mod the way it is! I loved the concept of Airships That JewelShizen had created, and I also really loved the concept of Airships you had created. I really liked the thought of having zeppelins in KSP, and this was sorta like a dream come true. So, Keep up the good work and thanks for your time!
Sincerely ~ Astradd