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Everything posted by Astradd

  1. @Vanamonde Thank You for Responding, and I have considered what you said, and I have noted that it may cause Forum Software problems, and I Have realized that could be a small problem, but I think I may like to try that out. Again, Tahnk you for responding, and Sorry for taking a while, I've been a bit Busy.
  2. I noticed I have not used my account for a while and was wondering how I would be able to delete this Account. If I am right, I don't think can. I would appreciate if I could take down my account because I noticed I have a ton of accounts on other stuff, and it' gotten all cluttered. No, I don't have anything against the forums, I just want to get rid of this account.
  3. Here Are some pictures I took Of my two airships I made specifically for Exploration of Kerbin. Here is The Lusftschloss, (LTA-1) And Her Identical Sister-Ship, Fernweh, (LTA-2).
  4. Also, @Angel-125 I had one Idea about how to maybe fix the problem of the HL-10 Parts being unwieldy. I do not mean to add more things for you to do, but I have a Lazy idea I thought of to fix it. It's a bit obvious, as my solution is Hanger extender. I was thinking you could put on the original forum post that you could suggest hanger extender for more space, along with the other suggested mods, such as Kerbal Snacks, etc, but that also seems like a lousy option. I am not the creator obviously, so you an decide on this option. P.S: If any of my first post didn't have a picture, that might be because I'm on vacation, and Hotel WiFi is literally .90 Mbps upload, so Barely any images on the forum load. Sincerely, ~ Astradd
  5. If you are looking for Really Small Planes, I suggest you try @Lack's Stock Extension http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/71992-11-sxt-lacks-stock-extension-sxt-25-10apr16-basic-11-compatibilty/ It has a ton of Mk 0 Parts http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=942095136 Sorry, I can't put down the actual image for some reason.
  6. Oh, great. I think I might've deleted my other post on this page. If you see it, I'm not trying to spam. I just am new to using the forums, and might've just messed it up. Anyways, I was playing, and wanted to make something, sorta like the USS Shenandoah, or something like that. I noticed that on the USS Shenandoah The USS Shenandoah had the fins smaller than the Mid-hull of the airship. I saw the other post about the bottom fin being flat, and how the user that made that post thught it would be a good Idea. I am somewhat on the same page, thinking that maybe making a longer tail cone and shorter fins. Speaking of HL-10 parts, I was wondering if we could make them a bit bigger. I did note that JewelShisen had made some parts That were about 15 m. I really do like these parts and wanted to know if you'd be able to fabricate some parts about this size, or bigger, while keeping them looking like the HL-10 parts you designed. I also realized that you said that you weren't planning on making bigger parts, but I do think that this might just be something to consider. I realize I might sound a bit picky, and if I do a apologize. Here's what I mean by the fins being smaller than the hull. But I do really like this mod the way it is! I loved the concept of Airships That JewelShizen had created, and I also really loved the concept of Airships you had created. I really liked the thought of having zeppelins in KSP, and this was sorta like a dream come true. So, Keep up the good work and thanks for your time! Sincerely ~ Astradd
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