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    Aerospace, programming, metal
  1. Hi! Two questions for anyone who might know: Does anyone know how to get the biplane parts working sanely with FAR? I know this was an issue previously, and in fact I can see there is a MM patch for FAR on the parts, but with stock aero it tops out around 80 m/s, and with FAR it's pushing Mach 1. Aero overlay shows no drag and virtually no lift. Also, is there any way to stop FS engines from automatically starting up when nearby? I've noticed that the FS1PRO engine (and probably others, but haven't checked) always starts up when the craft enters physics range (2.5km) even if it was left shut down. Sometimes I like to leave craft parked at KSC (especially with KCT), but any time anything gets near I can hear the prop starting up and wasting fuel. The stock engines don't appear to behave this way. By the way, thanks to everyone who's contributed to this mod - it adds so much to the experience.
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