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Gene Kerantz

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  1. Am using 0.13.3dev. I installed BackgroundProcessing separately to see if the behaviour was different. After further testing it turns out not to resolve the problem either. I will update the ticket.
  2. Yeah, I haven't had much time to play recently, but I noticed something similar this morning. It appears that unloaded vessels just draw down their batteries in the background without ever using their solar panels to recharge. I didn't notice this earlier since my current game only has one space station in it and that has altogether too much battery capacity. If you switch to the vessel the batteries charge as normal and the problem is resolved, but there seems to be some sort of issue related to electricity remaining. I'll try to get some logs later today when I get back from Canada Day festivities. Other than this issue, I have not had any other problems. Edit: I had a few minutes so I reinstalled KSP and created a ticket: https://github.com/KSP-RO/TacLifeSupport/issues/92 After a bit more testing, reinstalling BackgroundProcessing appears to resolve the problem. I will need to do a bit more testing, and will try to report back later today. https://github.com/JPLRepo/background-processing/releases/tag/v0.4.5.0
  3. So far as I can tell everything seems to be working correctly, thanks for the fix.
  4. That makes sense, I'll try to check it for you later on today in a few scenarios and report back.
  5. So far so good. Does this mean that going forward this mod is no longer compatible with BackgroundProcessing?
  6. @JPLRepo is working on a fix for this electricity bug, he seems to have an idea of what's causing it so I don't think he needs any more reports right now. Earlier on he did ask for people to text a potential fix though once it's up on GitHub.
  7. I'm not a rocket surgeon, but I would assume that the lower periapsis is more efficient due to the Oberth effect in most, if not all cases. You should get more effect from thrusting closer to the planet where the gravitational force is felt more strongly than in a higher orbit. In the case of a really small body like Minimus it's probably not a big difference unless you're running extremely lean.
  8. I see no need. I bought the game in 2013 but missed the cut-off and I don't feel like it's unfair. I didn't buy KSP to get something for free, I bought it because it was fun! Not a lot of games have given me this much value for my money and I'm not even a hardcore player like some of you folks.
  9. For what it's worth, I'm seeing the same (or at least a very similar) bug, so if there's anything I can do to help by providing logs, testing a fix, etc. please let me know.
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