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  1. Who wants to play a game of Kerbal war? STATUS: OPEN! TO DO: Update map, add some rules, update launch site spreadsheet General -All launch sites are based around the sea to the west of the KSC. So I've put together a modlist for KSP 1.3.1 with the following mods: Rules and Map Can all be found here. How to play 1) Message me that you would like to participate -If I acknowledge your message then continue. 2) Download the "Actuallywar" save in the folder KSPWAR/Saves/INITIAL-CAZON-1/ 3) Read over the rules while the world downloads 4) Once you've completed reading the rules and asking any questions I'll send a link with some custom configs for some mods. 5) I've already placed troops at my bases, you may start your initial phase and move on to your first turn. 6) When you've finished your first turn upload the save to the KSPWAR/Saves/ and name it PlayerName-TurnName and we'll go back and forth passing saves from there.
  2. This time using Module Manager 2.8.0 didn't crash my game but there were no changes to the game, but since my graphics card is insufficient then I'll just go without KSS. -Thanks for the help guys!!!
  3. Ok thank you. Also I ran just Kopernicus with Module Manager 2.7.5 and it still crashed, so I updated module manager and ran it again (without KSS) and that worked. But I still think that it may be the graphics card I have (as you suggested).
  4. I need help, my game will load, but at the very end the game will stop working. I have these mods installed: Community Tech Tree Hide Empty Tech Tree Nodes Kopernicus - from the download ling provided on this website KSS - this mod Modular Flight Integrator Module Manager 2.7.5 and here is my crash report: https://www.dropbox.com/s/01gdeo9szg62pxw/output_log.txt?dl=0 - Sorry I would use a spoiler but that wasn't working for me.
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