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Posts posted by AlternNocturn

  1. I just had a problem with the RS-68B engine. Seems like it needs Exsurgent Engineering because it uses SmarterGimbal. I just changed the part.cfg gimbal section to this:
    name = ModuleGimbal
    gimbalTransformName = thrustTransform
    gimbalRange = 1.5

    And it now works as expected. Hope this helps the next person who runs into this niggle.

    This really helped, I couldn't figure out why the engine wasn't gimballing. Thought I might have installed the mod wrong. Thanks!

  2. I've been thinking the past few days about the stock reentry effect in KSP. It's pretty good, but it's missing something. Perhaps a smoke trail or ablation sparks?

    Then I started thinking even further, like what if we could use that same reentry effect as engine effects instead? Maybe combine it with the new particle system to make it look super-realistic. It would make one hell of a vacuum plume as well. Watching videos like

    (@2:05) and
    (volume warning) made me realize that I may be onto something with this.

    Anyone up for the task? Would it even be possible?

  3. I have a massive obsession with replicas. If I find out about a proposed/canceled space vehicle, I HAVE to build it in KSP. I usually do that through mods, but it's still fun.

    A while ago I read up on Eyes Turned Skyward (found out about it in the mod development section) and now I'm roughly recreating the American side of the series canon. I say "roughly" because the save didn't start out as an ETS recreation, so there were quirks like me running Mun landings aside SkyLab and SkyLab 2 being a mash of SkyLab 1 and SpaceLab. Still, I'm having fun making quasi-realistic missions to LKO and beyond.

  4. Confirmed it's not Texture Replacer, and also confirmed it's not stock. I've been booting up 4 instances of KSP at a time and the easter egg hadn't shown up once. I've noticed Toolbar is a semi-common theme but I really don't want to go chasing shadows. Best explanation I can muster is that people are screwing with us.

  5. If that's the case, then I wonder which mod.

    I'm using:

    Toolbar, KAC, KER, MechJeb, EVE + Astronomer, Alternate Resource Panel, Action Groups Extended, StageRecovery, Targetron, and TextureReplacer.

    I heavily suspect TR is the culprit. WololoW was the only one to post a screenshot without clouds. I'm convinced it's coming from a mod. Also I just remembered EVE hasn't been updated for 0.24 so it can't be that.

    In any case, I'm cycling the game (booting it up and shutting it down) repeatedly on my (sadly) stock install. I'll let you know if I find anything.

    EDIT: Well I didn't find the easter egg, but I did find this unsettling glitch (look at the shadows on the ground). The object appears to be the plane landing gear. But why are there two Kerbal shadows...?

    <iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/epHp0/embed"></iframe>

  6. Squad mentioned fleshing out the contracts system at a later date, but until that happens, it looks like this is going on my list of must-have mods.

    EDIT: With enough new contracts, I can completely ignore the dreaded "test this part" contracts. I know Squad means well but I hate those contracts with a passion.

  7. I'm turning off both "Revert to..." options immediately. I love the feature for sandbox, but I feel like it'd reduce the importance of reputation even further by making it impossible to lose Kerbals. Quicksave, however, is staying on, because I like to experiment.

    Also, I'm installing FAR, procedural fairings, and Editor Extensions the instant they become compatible. I hate the stock aerodynamics, I hate building huge rockets (unheard of in KSP, I know!), and I hate building ugly rockets. These three mods will be integral in my space program for correcting all of those wrongs. That and Environmental Visual Enhancements with Astronomer's pack. Since I'll be running 64-bit (16 gigs of ram, yum!) I won't be installing Active Texture Management.

  8. I play Orbiter when I want to fly IRL rockets and spacecraft, like the Delta IV, Falcon 9, and Dragon, or spacecraft concepts like the Delta Glider or the spaceliner (basically a Boeing that can go to space. Built by Harvester's brother, actually). I play KSP when I want to make my own rockets and spacecraft as well as run my own space program. Truly, no other game did what KSP does. Even Buzz Aldrin's game didn't let you build your own spacecraft, it only let you manage the space program. Take On Mars is close to KSP, but doesn't really allow the same amount of freedom that KSP does. Games like Elite and X only focus on arcade-y, semi-realistic spaceflight and combat (though there really isn't anything wrong with that).

    I think Harvester's decision to try not to compete with Orbiter was one of the best decisions he's made. There's no reason to compare the two games or even recommend one over the other. You either play Orbiter, KSP, both, or neither. Conceptually, and especially with the upcoming 0.24 update, the two games couldn't be any more different. The reliance in orbital mechanics is the only thing they share, and even then they're just based off of real life physics. You might as well be comparing Battlefield 4 to Unreal Tournament 2004.

    Really, you should be comparing KSP to games like Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space or Take On Mars. And in relation to those games comes my answer, yes, KSP's found its special voice.

  9. That's one of the default "water" shaders in Unity. It actually looks amazingly fake since it's absurdly reflective and doesn't have a very good shore recognition algorithm. It's also quite the FPS killer. We had that for the water texture for some time, actually; it survived right on up to (and possibly slightly into) the pay-to-play version.

    Yep, that shader was still in use when the game went premium. 0.14, it was. It got removed afterward in 0.14.2, when they rebuilt the terrain engine. That was pre0.18 Kerbin, before we got the more distinctive biomes and the giant crater.

  10. I rarely ever send crewed missions outside of Kerbin's SOI. In fact, while I used to land on the Mun extremely frequently, I don't even really do that anymore.

    I use Mechjeb and Hyperedit all the time and think you should too

    I'm fixin' to install MechJeb to handle ascent for me. I've done literally hundreds of gravity turns and circularization burns and I can't take it any more. D:

  11. The Shuttle was dangerous, over-priced, and was a step down from Apollo but Jebdammit the bloody thing was an icon and an inspiration and I miss it a lot. :(

    EDIT: In 2011, I went to a NASASocial (or NASATweetup as it was called at the time) to watch the launch of Curiosity. One of the activities on the list was a visit to the VAB, where the Shuttle Discovery was being held. It was far bigger than I imagined and it nearly brought a tear to my eye. Then last May, I got to see Atlantis at the KSC Visitor Center. Both times I saw it, I couldn't believe such a craft could exist. It was huge and awe-inspiring.

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