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Everything posted by snigavik

  1. Hi ttb, Thank you so much for replying and making this beautiful mod, and shame on me for not updating the thread - this mod does work w/ Telemachus Calipso (tagged v1.5.1 at GitHub) and KSP 1.2.2.
  2. Hey fellow kerbanauts, did someone tried this mod w/ KSP 1.2.2?
  3. Logs might help (but i'm not sure if it's ok to pile Vagrant issues in this thread). With "KSP Assemblies" put according to windows compilation instructions i've managed to successfully build from Github and run this mod on Linux, "make" exited with 0 and Principia looks functioning in game.
  4. Try editing Vagrantfile config.vm.box to use any actual working wily64 box, sgallen/wily64 worked well for me. Not sure if it been built successfully (some console logs here https://pastebin.com/CvRhWWh8) though.
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