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  1. Vexillar's post in How does one do an interplanetary transfer in the game? was marked as the answer   
    Crashed into the Sun?  You certainly don't have a problem with delta-V, then... 
    Basic "Kerbal" (simple minded) method of doing an interplanetary Hohmann transfer:
    1. Get your ship into a stable orbit of Kerbin.
    2. Burn prograde to escape Kerbin into a stable orbit of the Sun (far enough from Kerbin, but not too far).
    3. Set desired planet as target.
    4. Check where the Ascending / Descending nodes are on your current orbit and plan a burn normal or anti-normal at the node to align your inclination to the target planet (An Dn down to 0 degrees or NaN).  Execute the alignment burn.
    5. Choose a point on your current orbit to plan a burn prograde (for planets further out than Kerbin) or retrograde (for planets further in) until you reach the orbit of the target planet.
    6. Swing the planned burn around the orbit to try to get a close approach.
    7. Do your transfer burn.
    8. Wait. (Timewarp time, usually).
    9. When you get close to the target planet, if you don't have an encounter (are going into an escaping orbit of the target), select velocity relative to target and burn retrograde to match your speed to the target until you do.
    10.  when you have an encounter, you may choose to do a course correction burn to align your escaping orbit with where you want to go into orbit round the target.  It's best to orbit in the "right" direction, i.e. with the planet's spin, especially if you're planning to land.
    11. When in your (escaping) orbit, burn retrograde to the orbit to achieve capture.
    12a. If you're planning to land, choose your time and place of landing, switch to velocity-relative-to-surface and burn retrograde as necessary.
    12b. Don't forget your landing gear, parachutes and ladders as required.
    12c. Please take care of our planets, don't hit them too hard when you get there.
  2. Vexillar's post in how to bring back kerbals from the dead was marked as the answer   
    The cheat for this is to edit the save file.
    1. First, exit from the game.
    2. Next, find the save file (for example /saves/Sandbox/persistent.sfs).
    3. Make a copy of it in case your triping is as bad as mein.
    4. Edit it in notepad (or your favourite text file editor on your OS).
    5. Look for the section headed ROSTER, then find your kerbal, like this:
                name = Fred Kerman
                state = Dead
    6. Change the state from "Dead" to "Available".
    7. Close/Save the file.
    Note: On older versions of KSP (back before 1.0.5, forget exactly when), the states were represented by numbers: 0 meant Available and 3 meant Dead.
    Hope this helps.  And don't forget to backup that save file!
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