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Everything posted by Legendgreat

  1. Hey, I've got a few (what I think are) bugs here, and after hours of testing different things and trying to find help with Google, I've turned to just posting here. So starting off, all of these bugs are related to Ascent Guidance. When I launch, my rocket will start rolling left and right for seemingly no reason, over-rolling more and more each time, and will stop rolling (if it hasn't spun completely out of control at this point) at a very weird angle, I'm assuming because it's started the gravity turn. If at this point my rocket isn't spiraling into a catastrophic failure due to not being wieldy enough for MechJeb to salvage the disaster, it will just continue on with with the gravity turn as per usual... And them for some reason about 12-20km in the turn, MechJeb will start deviating from the navball guidance completely, which will cause my systems to overheat, and ofcourse MechJeb completely ignores "Prevent overheats", causing all my excrements to blow up. I've tried launching 3 different rocket designs, all of them I've been able to launch into orbit manually, none of them using MechJeb. Here is a (sorry for the length) gif of the whole situation. http://recordit.co/p3Qw3x88o7 And a picture of my CoM, CoT, and Aerodynamics, along with a K.E.R. print-out. http://prntscr.com/fjss4t So is my game bugged, are my MechJeb settings wrong, or do I just suck at building rockets? EDIT: Here's a list of mods I'm using, if that helps. http://i.imgur.com/72AVMkP.png
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