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Everything posted by liltimma

  1. Exactly, so the inline module would create the warp bubble, the radial nacelles would add a multiplier. Something like - each nacelle multiples the warp bubble size and factor by .75 in an additvie fashion. So two nacelles makes bubble 1.5 times bigger and "faster". Idk, the actual numbers could be played around with a little bit for balance, but after looking through the code it should just be a matter of multiplying the warp factor and bubble scale by the number. Going from 3.5 to higher sizes would just involve creating bigger "tube" that creates exotic particles. Long term, it would be cool to make the bubble configurable like a fairing.
  2. I would contribute to creating larger form factors if this isn't in your time budget - I don't see any blend files in the repo though. I was thinking radial nacelles that expand the warp bubble (and possibly the warp factor to decrease travel time for stars) and a 3.5m inline module that creates the exotic particles. Similar to star trek ones but in kerbal fashion and style. Thoughts?
  3. Any chance for larger form factors? This is the most practical, balanced drive for use with a galaxy pack & MKS to colonize the stars. We would need a larger form factor to get the mass needed to start a self sufficient base out there.
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