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  1. Was there ever a fix for the "parts reverting to their original size" issue? I seem to be encountering this again and haven't been able to find any information around when searching. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  2. So I'm having a strange problem with orbits and on trying to google for answers I found its a little hard to get search results based on "Why the hell does my orbit suddenly become extra solar for no freaking reason?!" Basically I've got a ship in orbit of Duna, about to make a burn to return to kerbin. It was in a stable orbit high above Ike's on an almost level plane, I reduced the periapsis to just above atmosphere to make use of the obearth effect and checked a few orbits ahead to be sure I'd have no issues with Ike intercepting. All good so far. Suddenly out of nowhere I'm floating in the void with the sun a distant speck. Reload. Alter maneuver to an inclination with no hope in hellcof being intercepted. Same result. Tried burning from the higher orbit but, the very instant the SOI changes, same result. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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